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Chui Chun-man, 28, was found guilty of instigating hatred towards police by praising death of chief inspector and denigrating other officers in online comments.


Chui Chun-man, 28, was found guilty of instigating hatred towards police by praising death of chief inspector and denigrating other officers in online comments

Acting principal magistrate says Chui’s actions risk exposing officers to threat of violence

The funeral of 14-year police veteran Lam Yuen-yee. Photo: Dickson Lee
從警 14 年的老將林婉儀的葬禮。照片:李迪生

A former policeman has been jailed for 10 months for sedition and denied bail pending an appeal after a magistrate found he was unremorseful about mocking a chief inspector’s death and denigrating senior officers in social media comments.
一名前警察因煽動叛亂罪被判入獄 10 個月,並在上訴期間被拒絕保釋,此前一名地方法官發現他在社交媒體評論中嘲笑首席督察的死並詆毀高級官員毫無悔意。

Chui Chun-man returned to West Kowloon Court on Monday to be sentenced on a charge of committing an act or acts with seditious intent by a magistrate who was endorsed by the city’s leader to hear the case.

The 28-year-old former constable was found guilty three weeks earlier of instigating hatred towards the force by praising the untimely death of 14-year police veteran Lam Yuen-yee and saying he wished all “dog officers” would die.
三週前,這名 28 歲的前警員被判有罪,罪名是讚揚從警 14 年的老將林婉儀英年早逝,並說他希望所有“狗警”都死去,以此煽動對警隊的仇恨。

Marine officer Lam was thrown overboard alongside three colleagues when their vessel was rammed by a turbocharged speedboat they were trying to intercept in mainland Chinese waters on September 25 in 2021.
2021 年 9 月 25 日,當他們的船隻在中國大陸水域被一艘渦輪增壓快艇試圖攔截時撞上時,海事官員 Lam 和三名同事一起被拋下海。

Her body was found two days later, with the force posthumously promoting her from senior to chief inspector in recognition of her service.

Chui, then 26, wrote on the force’s official Facebook page that Lam deserved to die and that he wished all “dog officers” would “perish as soon as possible”.
時年 26 歲的崔在該部隊的官方 Facebook 頁面上寫道,林活該死,他希望所有“狗警”都“早日死去”。

He resigned in early November that year after police began disciplinary proceedings against him.
在警方開始對他進行紀律處分後,他於當年 11 月初辭職。

Acting Principal Magistrate Veronica Heung Shuk-han on Monday said Chui’s actions risked entrenching antagonism against police and exposing officers to the threat of violence by those who harboured ill feelings towards authorities.

She explained that even though the adoption of the national security law had successfully quelled anti-government protests in 2019, there were still safety concerns in the city and that an outbreak of violence remained likely.

The court considered Chui disclosing his profession in the remarks an attempt to establish credibility and his decision to publish the comments on the force’s official Facebook page a “deliberate” choice to be more provocative.
法院認為,崔在言論中披露自己的職業是為了建立可信度,而他決定在警隊的官方 Facebook 頁面上發布評論是“故意”選擇,以更具挑釁性。

“The defendant insists that he bore no seditious intent in committing the offence. He shows an utter lack of remorse,” the magistrate said.

Defence lawyer Raymond Yu Chiu-cheuk asked for his client’s temporary release immediately after the ruling on grounds including a “reasonable” prospect of winning an appeal in the High Court and a “manifestly excessive” sentence, but Heung refused.

The court heard in mitigation that Chui, who moved from Guangzhou province at the age of 15, had considered being a police officer his dream job and had received 12 commendations during his four-year tenure on the force.
法庭獲悉,15 歲從廣州省移居的崔某認為當一名警察是他夢想的工作,在他服役的四年裡,他獲得了 12 次嘉獎。

Chui was said to have committed the offence out of impulse after being taunted by a senior officer.

The former constable had lived off his mother as well as his own savings after his resignation, the court was told. He was said to be pursuing a higher diploma with a view to turning over a new leaf.

Earlier during the trial, Chui told the court that he was feeling “grumpy” at the time of the offence and did not genuinely believe in what he wrote on the spur of the moment.

But the magistrate found his explanations unreasonable and said he could not have made such “callous” remarks if he was indeed saddened by the inspector’s death.

Sedition is punishable by up to two years’ imprisonment upon a first conviction. It has been defined by the city’s top court as an offence capable of endangering national security, meaning defendants can face higher hurdles when applying for bail and their cases may only be heard by judges approved by the chief executive.

Doing an act or acts with seditious intention


[ 本帖最後由 finalmake 於 2023-3-21 08:06 編輯 ]

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前警員就水警殉職發意圖煽動言論判監10個月 裁判官指被告打擊警隊公信力
2023-03-20 18:48








[ 本帖最後由 finalmake 於 2023-3-21 23:16 編輯 ]

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