• 瀏覽: 27,871
專係倒轉諗嘢,免疫屏障就係要keep住有新strain繼續保持防衛力! 就係因為omicron BA.x低致病性先揀呢個時刻放然後行群體免疫,點會走回頭路!
澳洲CH.1.1侏 22年12月頭開始升高,12到新年1月尾,但患者同死亡數都愈來愈低!!!

Weekly case numbers and change (%)
[tr]JurisdictionAverage daily cases as at 24 Jan 2023Change in average cases compared to previous week (%)[/tr]
National3,168- 26.5%
NSW1,108- 29.7%
Vic521- 30.9%
Qld670- 12.1%
WA430- 28.9%
SA243- 22.9%
Tas79- 37.7%
ACT85- 29.8%
NT32- 34.9%

Source: Jurisdictional reporting as at 24 Jan 2023. Please note that due to rounding, jurisdiction averages may not sum exactly to national averages.

[ 本帖最後由 1000x1000 於 2023-2-2 11:00 編輯 ]

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