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原帖由 hfceddie 於 2022-9-11 20:27 發表

美國參議院外交委員會14日將審議《台灣政策法案》草案(Taiwan Policy Act of 20 ...
SEC.802. Determination with Respect to Activities of the People’s Republic of China
in Taiwan. Directs the President to determine and report on whether the People’s
Republic of China (PRC) is engaged in a significant escalation of hostile actions against
Taiwan, compared to hostile actions before December 2021, including undermining,
overthrowing, or dismantling the Government of Taiwan and interference with Taiwan’s
territorial integrity, in which case, the provisions in sections 803 – 806 would apply.
https://www.foreign.senate.gov/i ... y Act FINAL (1).pdf

尼樣野已經違反72年建交, 一個中國原則.
大陸可能會同美國斷交. 不過民主黨可能會用尼個話題, 幫佢地贏選舉.
大陸同美國斷交之後, 可以同俄羅斯經營中亞.

原帖由 wavemk5 於 2022-9-12 11:57 發表

俄羅斯應該想同歐洲人玩, 不過歐洲人鍾意玩佢地.
而家俄羅斯冇得撿, 晤系大陸晤想同佢地合作.

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