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【新增動新聞】比利時駐南韓大使館周五表示,比利時外交部決定今年夏天解除駐韓大使萊斯寇河(Peter Lescouhier)的職務。萊斯寇河的中國妻子相雪秋(Xiang Xueqiu),今年4月逛首爾一間服裝店時,因不滿女售貨員誤會她偷竊,竟怒摑售貨員,令其半張臉被打至紅腫,事件在韓國掀起軒然大波,萊斯寇河事後曾代妻道歉。



此外,比利時駐韓大使館聲明中亦提到,萊斯寇河赴任至今3年,而在這次風波之下,難以繼續順利執行大使職務,比利時副首相兼外相維爾姆斯(Sophie Wilmes)決定結束萊斯寇河的任期。考慮到相雪秋後續接受調查等因素,萊斯寇河夫婦預計今年夏天返回比利時。



你老公多得你唔少! 快佬花咗!


[ 本帖最後由 hfceddie 於 2021-5-29 05:14 PM 編輯 ]

Belgium recalls ambassador to South Korea after wife's slap
Marine Strauss

Belgium's ambassador to South Korea will leave his post in the coming weeks after his wife assaulted a clothes shop employee in an incident widely seen on social media.

Foreign affairs minister Sophie Wilmes has decided to end Peter Lescouhier's tenure this summer after three years, the foreign ministry said in a statement on Friday.

Footage from security cameras showed the ambassador's wife, Xiang Xueqiu, slap the face of a storekeeper in the South Korean capital, Seoul, who tried to stop her approaching a colleague on April 9.

The colleague had suspected the wife was trying to leave the shop with an item of clothing she had not paid for.

Belgium's foreign ministry said Xiang had met the shop employee to apologise for her "unacceptable behaviour" and was cooperating with police, adding that her diplomatic immunity had been removed after a South Korean police request.

Lescouhier had served his country loyally, the ministry said, overseeing a successful state visit in 2019.

"It has, however, become clear that the current situation does not allow him to continue carrying out his role in a serene manner," the ministry said.


[ 本帖最後由 hfceddie 於 2021-5-29 11:54 AM 編輯 ]