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English is a brilliant language, 非戰狼外交語言可比!

Claim – The Joint Declaration provides no right or entitlement for the UK to interfere in Hong Kong beyond handover in 1997.

The Joint Declaration contains not a single word or article that confers any responsibility on the UK over Hong Kong after 1997. The UK has no sovereignty, jurisdiction or right of supervision over Hong Kong. So there is no “commitment to the people of Hong Kong” on the UK side.

23 October 2020 http://www.fmcoprc.gov.hk/eng/gsxw/t1826190.htm


The UK accepts without equivocation Chinese sovereignty of Hong Kong and does not support or encourage independence. However, the Joint Declaration remains a legally binding international agreement.

In 1984 China made a legally binding commitment to the UK to ensure the rights and freedoms of the people of Hong Kong, maintain Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy, and leave its lifestyle, social and economic systems unchanged for 50 years from 1997. The UK has the right under the Joint Declaration to hold China to this commitment.

Claim - The UK’s Hong Kong BN(O) Visa scheme is a breach of the Joint Declaration

The UK is “openly breaching its commitments and international law”. 23 July, 2020 MFA spokesperson Wang Wenbin

“The British side broke its commitments first”. 23 October, 2020 MFA spokesperson Zhao Lijian


The UK has consistently fulfilled all of its obligations under the Joint Declaration. The Joint Declaration makes no mention of BN(O)s. The UK memorandum connected to the Joint Declaration is clear that BN(O) status does not confer the right of abode in the UK – that remains the case.

Claim – The Chinese may withdraw recognition of BN(O) passports

As the British side broke its commitment first, the Chinese side will consider withdrawing recognition of the BN(O) passport as valid travel documents. 23 October, 2020 MFA spokesperson Zhao Lijian


The Chinese and British Governments exchanged memoranda of understanding attached to the Joint Declaration in 1984. The Chinese Government committed to “permit Chinese nationals in Hong Kong who were previously called ‘British Dependent Territories Citizens’ to use travel documents issued by the Government of the United Kingdom for the purpose of travelling to other states and regions”. Withdrawing recognition of BN(O) passports would be in direct contravention of this commitment by the Chinese Government.

Claim – The UK is manipulating international law

The UK has manipulated the rights and status of BN(O) passport holders, openly breaching its commitments and international law. 23 July, 2020 MFA spokesperson Wang Wenbin


The UK has amended its own immigration rules to grant Hong Kong BN(O) Visa holders limited leave to remain in the UK. Hong Kong BN(O) status holders remain subject to immigration controls, and as such do not have the right of abode.

The limited leave to remain provides the right to work or study in the UK for those in Hong Kong who choose to retain their historic ties to the UK by taking up their BN(O) entitlement. Other than these changes, the UK has in no way altered, amended, enhanced or diminished the rights or status of BN(O) passport holders.

A BN(O) passport does not automatically allow the holder to permanently reside in the UK;
A BN(O) passport does not confer UK citizenship;
A BN(O) passport holder has no recourse to public funds or government benefits;
A BN(O) passport cannot be passed on to family members or children;
The BN(O) scheme remains closed to new applicants since 1997.

These facts remain unchanged. The UK is acting entirely in accordance with international law.

Claim – The UK is offering residency to Hong Kong citizens

“The UK has now, in total disregard of the strong opposition of the Chinese side, offered a route for BNO passport holders to the right of abode” 23 July, 2020 Chinese Embassy in UK


The UK’s immigration policy is transparent and consistent. There has been no change in the right of abode conferred on BN(O) passport holders. The new route for BN(O)soffers no automatic right to reside in the UK and holders will be subject to the same application processes for permanent residency which have always applied. The BN(O) Visa offers limited leave to remain in the UK for up to five years. Chinese mainland citizens – or citizens of any other country for that matter - who have spent 5 years continuously resident in the UK are equally entitled to apply for “settled status” after this period.

Claim – The UK is offering citizenship to Hong Kong citizens

“The UK is offering a route to BNO passport holders for citizenship in the UK” 23 July, 2020 Chinese Embassy in UK


A BN(O) passport does not provide UK citizenship and there has been no change to the status of Hong Kong-based holders of a BNO passport in this regard. The pathway to UK citizenship is a clear and transparent process to which anyone – including Chinese nationals - may apply.


原帖由 Bunryuu 於 2021-1-21 02:10 PM 發表

全世界邊度唔可以投資移民? 你中國唔反制?

全世界有邊度唔批外勞? 香港d賓賓印印又點? 係咪菲律賓同印尼要反制中國?

講白d 你大陸佬 有投資簽證 工作簽證 學生簽證 住夠5年 再加一年 一樣可以入藉 全世界邊度公民都係咁 bno持有人只不過係個資格 就算冇bno 你係果邊讀書/做野滿5年 再加一年都可以申請入藉

只不過英國入圍門檻降低要求 日本冇JNO 你滿足到特定條件  ...
英國政府可以完全唔同你講BNO,只要話所有1997年 7月1日之前喺香港出世及其子女都可以申請5+1 英國visa, 無論係楂乜嘢䕶照, 到時中方可以點?

原帖由 33Chris 於 2021-1-21 03:58 PM 發表


原帖由 油站自我的工人 於 2021-1-23 03:37 PM 發表

我睇 Youtube 啲片,我夠膽過到英國就即刻楂車,因為交通系統、燈號、標誌同香港極相似。


[ 本帖最後由 hfceddie 於 2021-1-24 04:15 AM 編輯 ]

原帖由 jumboleung 於 2021-1-24 09:01 AM 發表



係優待BNO又點? 總之事實BNO係冇居英權 (Right of Abode),要申請 (唔一定批) 5+1 Visa, 住夠年期,附合條件,包括 no access to public funds 之下生活到5年,冇作奸犯科。 

英國甚至可以完全唔同你爭論BNO Visa 有冇違反中英聯合聲明,索性話97年7月1日前出生港人及家屬都可以申請5+1 Visa, 咁又點?

[ 本帖最後由 hfceddie 於 2021-1-24 12:17 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 油站自我的工人 於 2021-1-24 07:12 AM 發表

英國的市區,同中環,半山,山頂太相似了,有時睇 Google 地圖相,真係會認錯英國係香港半山!
而郊區相就十足香港以前的新界,好有 feel!

大陸反而好陌生,D人的習慣、態度、生活方式,同香港人好唔同,建築物又核突!就算宜家有D地方起D建築大 ...
Thank you for your sharing.

原帖由 gylau 於 2021-1-24 04:30 PM 發表



[按此隱藏 Google 建議的相符內容]