• 瀏覽: 417
川普的競選對手 Joe Biden 曾經是參議員。
究竟 參議員 與 Congressman 哪一個 更有地位?
1.這個鏈接那篇文章最大亮點【轉載】--How do the House and Senate chambers differ?:In the House of Representatives, the majority party holds significant power to draft chamber rules and schedule bills to reach the floor for debate and voting. In most cases, House rules will limit debate so that important legislation can be passed during one legislative business day.
In the Senate however, the majority has the power to schedule when various bills come to the floor for voting but a single Senator can slow legislation from coming to the floor for a vote. Since debate in the Senate is not concluded until 60 senators vote for a cloture motion to approve a bill for consideration, the majority must also coordinate with the minority part to set the rules for debate on legislation. Under this system, legislation can be debated for one or two weeks on the Senate floor alone.
2. 各位小粉紅思考一下,中國可否也實行兩院制。

持劍衛道的精神是,在不影響中國目前執政者繼續執政之下,以正義消弭邪惡,本著自由平等博愛。改善 中國和香港的同胞的福祉。
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