• 瀏覽: 2,893
  • 回覆: 8

我們是一群土生土長、熱愛香港的市民。近日破壞香港安寧的暴力違法行動越演越烈,令我們十分痛心。我們於2019年8月15日在明報、星島日報、頭條日報及南華早報刊登廣告,發起網上簽名運動 ,希望凝聚市民力量,發出理性呼聲,齊心捍衛香港的社會秩序。懇請廣大市民簽名支持以下五大訴求,撥亂反正:

1. 堅決支持政府及警隊嚴正執法,制止一切違法、欺凌、破壞及暴亂行為。

2. 要求政府在社會秩序恢復之前暫停批准一切公眾遊行集會活動。

3. 敦促家長、大中小學校長及老師盡力勸止學生參與違法活動,阻止他們自毀前程。

4. 要求執法部門嚴懲一切資助、教唆及協助暴力和騷亂的非法行為。

5. 嚴懲任何傳媒透過發放失實新聞來混淆視聽、縱容和美化非法行為和暴力、鼓吹民眾擾亂社會秩序、阻礙警方執法。


We are a group of ordinary citizens in Hong Kong. We love Hong Kong and are extremely saddened by the escalating violence, vandalism, illegal activities and disruption to our social order. We come together and placed advertisements on South China Morning Post, Headline Daily, Ming Pao Daily and Sing Tao Daily on 15 August 2019 to start this online signature campaign. We believe Hong Kong must stand together to defend law and order. To show a unified voice of reason, we invite citizens to support the following five demands to restore law and order:

1. Support the Hong Kong Government and the Police Force to take decisive actions against any unlawful, bullying, vandalizing and riotous acts.

2. Hong Kong Government to suspend approval of applications for public gatherings and processions until social order has been restored.

3. Parents, heads of schools and universities and teachers to do all they can to steer students away from unlawful activities - stop youngsters from ruining their own future!

4. Law enforcement authorities to act decisively to crack down on all illegal acts of funding, aiding and abetting violence and riotous activities.

5. Act decisively on any media that publish false or misleading information to condone and justify lawlessness and violence and to incite breach of public order and obstruction of police in their discharge of duties.

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原帖由 lam703 於 2019-8-14 09:31 PM 發表

我們是一群土生土長、熱愛香港的市民。近日破壞香港安寧的暴力違法行動越演越烈,令我們十分痛心。我們於2019年8月15日在明報、星島日報、頭條日報及南華早報刊登廣告,發起網上簽名運動 ,希望凝聚市民力量,發出理性呼聲,齊心捍衛香港的社會秩序。懇請廣大市民簽名支持以下五大訴求,撥亂反正:

1. 堅決支持政府及警隊嚴正執法,制止一切違法、欺凌、破壞及暴 ...

原帖由 Wildgarden 於 2019-8-14 11:39 PM 發表

個政府真係廢到無倫, 只係盡下人事 救救香港......

師兄,如果要實名登記,希望你可以先做fact check介紹下呢個係咩網頁。唔係好難會揾到人無條件簽名,而家太多鬼

原帖由 Wildgarden 於 2019-8-14 11:41 PM 發表
師兄,如果要實名登記,希望你可以先做fact check介紹下呢個係咩網頁。唔係好難會揾到人無條件簽名,而家太多鬼
呢啲咁嘅網上聯署, 其實........ 點會唔明白。


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