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Block 4.1 is billed as the increment that will allow the F-35 to realize it’s full planned platform potential.
  • A twin rail replaces the 2,000lb bomb rail on the A and C variants, which will allow 6 x AMRAAM to be carried.
  • The ROVER NG troop downlink from the EOTS (Initially delayed due to concerns regarding vulnerability to cyber-attack)
  • B-61 nuclear bomb integration

Software based multistatic radar incorporation.
The multistatic radar is one of the key components of this block. Stealth aircraft generally rely on the scattering of radar signals away from the source. Multistatic radars can pick up on this deflected energy and with the F-35’s systems it will enable multiple linked sources to be accessed to provide this information. The F-35 can stitch this data together and use it to accurately fire upon said aircraft. Block 4.1 is slated for a 2023 release.

因現時隱形戰機主要以外形令雷達波反射不到回雷達接收器,而新式多基地雷達(multistatic radar) 可以A機發射B/C/D/E機接收,並通過數據鏈計算出火控精度的位置。

Block 4.2 makes use of systems originally intended solely for the F-22B program. It builds upon the systems integration improvements of block 4.1 and breathes new life into many of the F-35’s existing systems.
  • AN/APG-81v2 GaN MIMO radar. This radar will make use of Gallium nitride tech to greatly boost the power and resolution of the system while also reducing the number of 4,800 to 3,900. These changes will also add great improvement to the multistatic capabilities of the F-35 including a wider virtual aperture.
  • EOTS-XR will receive a boost in capability with regards to the various visual spectrums it’s capable of (4K thermal/4K visual light [new coating improves stealth characteristics when active]/4K near UV). It will also receive a significant boost to its synthetic aperture system that will greatly increase resolution, particularly when targets are obscured by obstacles.
  • MADL-L will add Link-16 support as well as satellite downlink and an augmentation of the F-35’s current phased array.
  • HMDSv2 will upgrade the F-35 helmet with new optical capabilities including a visual range beyond the range of motion of the pilots’ neck. It will also reduce the weight of the helmet to that of a normal HMD.

Block 4.2 is scheduled for a 2026 release to enable issues that arise from the F-22B program implementation to be dealt with prior to installation in the F-35.
Block 4.3 marks the arrival of the Pratt & Whitney F135-200 ADVENT engine. This variant improves on the core technology of the F119-200 and the ADVENT designator comes from the addition of the variable bypass system. Combined with the first fully 3D-printed fan disk, the F-35 will see its fuel efficiency at cruise improved by over 25 per cent which will improve range by 35 per cent while also providing a 15 per cent boost in thrust over the baseline F-35. The F135 will also provide a new 2MW power generation capability. Block 4.3 is slated for a 2025 release and is dependent on block 4.1.
Block 4.4 is where the F-35 takes a step into the realm of science-fiction with the implementation of two different airborne laser system packages for the F-35. One exclusively for A and C models and another for A, B and C models. The scalable laser architecture (SLA) which is developed by General Atomics allows several different types of lasers to be fitted to match various mission profiles. The contract was received from DARPA as part of the High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defence System (HELLADS) initiative.
  • Full Power Laser (FPL) is the 1MW A and C model only modification which draws its power from the shaft of the F135 (recall the 2MW power generation capability of block 4.3) totalling 5MW. The FPL also provides 360-degree coverage of the F-35’s surroundings using two small emitters on the ventral and dorsal surfaces. The FPL cannot be used by the F-35B because it would require the removal of the lift fan to be accommodated in the airframe. A drawback to this system, however, is that it replaces an internal fuel tank which reduces the F-35’s range by approximately 150 nmi.

第一種激光炮FPL功率1MW,直接在引擎攞電(前提是要完成Block 4.3 F-135-PW-220引擎升級,其引擎發電力為2MW),360度無死角覆蓋發射,但因重量增加,航程-150nmi

  • Modular Lightweight Laser (MLL). The MLL provides an alternative to the FPL that doesn’t reduce range or payload in the way the FPL does and it sits in the gun-space. It’s a 250-kW laser and it also makes use of the same ventral and dorsal emitters as the FPL.

iThe FPL and MLL both make use of three modes:
  • Anti-anti-aircraft missile mode allows the laser to be used in conjunction with block 4.2 upgrades to engage and destroy incoming missiles with a high degree of accuracy.
  • Anti-ballistic missile mode makes use of lessons learned with the separate ABL program to provide a more flexible system that is much more potent and survivable in hostile airspace. The FPL provides a full 50 nmi boost-phase ballistic missile interception capability. The MLL can provide a reduced (10 nmi) capability. The ABM mode also makes use of a spotter-beam to clear the immediate airspace and uses radar as opposed to IRST to provide data on engagement.
  • Anti-aircraft mode will allow the laser system to be used to shoot enemy aircrafts out of the sky.

source: https://vanguardcanada.com/2018/01/03/f-35-designed-to-handle-all-roles/

發貼不回君莫笑 古來看貼幾人回...
爭你們個人的自由,便是為國家爭自由!爭你們自己的人格,便是為國家爭國格 - 胡適之
激光炮升天 不如用高達啦

我比較有興趣了解如何用火控雷達控制激光炮打中目標? 如果第一發打不中? 充電時間是多少? 如何修正再發射?


[ 本帖最後由 白狼王 於 2019-4-18 04:56 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 chinkiu 於 2019-4-18 04:33 PM 發表
激光炮升天 不如用高達啦
看來駕駛F-35 Block 4的機師必須是新類型人或強化人,否則如何可以用激光炮擊中目標?




Block 4.2:2026年

Block 4.3:2025年(原文的確是2025。)

Block 4.4:2028年

目前只有美國、意大利、F-35亞太區計劃國家(即日、韓?)參加了Block 4計劃(At present only Italy, the United States and Asia-pacific partners are on-board with the block 4 program)

原帖由 白狼王 於 2019-4-18 04:39 PM 發表
我比較有興趣了解如何用火控雷達控制激光炮打中目標? 如果第一發打不中? 充電時間是多少? 如何修正再發射?

如果解決不了這些問題,還是用導彈更實際. ...


原帖由 tam_n 於 2019-4-18 07:41 PM 發表
Block 4.2:2026年

Block 4.3:2025年(原文的確是2025。)

Block 4.4:2028年

目前只有美國、意大利、F-35亞太區計劃國家(即日、韓?)參加了Block 4計劃(At present only Italy, the United States and Asia-pacific partners are on-boa ...

原帖由 bondinhk 於 2019-4-18 05:45 PM 發表

原帖由 simpson777 於 2019-4-18 09:09 PM 發表


Block 4.1 唔係2021 年裝咩

都係侵侵衰, 硬係話人地貴

原帖由 白狼王 於 2019-4-18 04:39 PM 發表
我比較有興趣了解如何用火控雷達控制激光炮打中目標? 如果第一發打不中? 充電時間是多少? 如何修正再發射?

如果解決不了這些問題,還是用導彈更實際. ...

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