原帖由 kingchan75 於 2019-3-6 12:06 PM 發表
認同, 所以只要中國夠強, 自然會有新的普世價值出現, 到時自然也會推廣到全世界!

朋友, 中國強大時, 儒家思想咪推廣到日本,韓國等周邊國家!

According to your definition of 普世價值, the democratic system is the lest 普世 , because it restrains human's desire for power . In fact the democratic system only appears once in one country in ancient history (Greece) thousands of years ago. There were only less than two hundred years of history for democracy in UK and France. The modern democratic system (US style) was promoted by the USA after WWII, and it only has a few decades' history. The modern democratic system (US style) is the source of world troubles in human history. In mid 20th and early 21st centuries, the US has been the only world power that started wars in the world. It has imposed countless economic sanctions on many third world countries causing the most serious humanitarian crises. It has also overthrown many other democratic governments (like the ones on south America and Iran). The modern benevolent authoritarian system adopted by China could be a way out for the world in future. It has never started any war against other countries (keeper of world peace), it ensures the prosperity of its citizens and has wiped out starvation in vast territories in China. 如果你吾係為反而反之流, 應該承認事實!



咁男女異性關係? 民主?