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Trump suggests foreign dictators take advantage of birthright citizenship

President Trump suggested Thursday evening that foreign dictators could take advantage of birthright citizenship to make their children U.S. citizens.
“Many come from China, you might be surprised. China now is number one, we’re not just talking South America, Latin America, we’re talking about China, parts of Asia, it’s crazy. Think of it, you’re an enemy of our country, you’re a general with war on your mind, you’re a dictator who we hate and who’s against us, and that dictator has his wife have a baby on American soil. Congratulations, your son or daughter is now an American citizen. Does anybody think this makes sense?” he said at a campaign rally in Columbia, Missouri.

A foreign leader has never had a child become a U.S. citizen through such a method, and were a foreign dignitary to have a child on U.S. soil, that child would not be granted U.S. citizenship under the Fourteenth Amendment according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Trump went on to suggest that birthright citizenship produces a “birth tourism” industry that could lead to a wave of immigrants arriving to the U.S.

“This policy has even created an entire industry, it’s called ‘birth tourism,’ where pregnant mothers travel from all over the world to America to make their children instant lifelong citizens with guaranteed everything, everything, everything that you have is guaranteed: welfare, public benefits, right? Birthright citizens in turn can then bring their entire extended family into the country through chain migration,” he said.

Trump floated the idea of issuing an executive order banning birthright citizenship in an interview with Axios, which released a clip of the exchange Tuesday.

Critics of the plan say it would violate the 14th Amendment, which states in part, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”

Opponents of birthright citizenship claim that “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” means only children of citizens should automatically get citizenship because parents owe allegiance to the U.S., while noncitizens do not.

[ 本帖最後由 d49jp9us9hk9tw9 於 2019-1-23 09:47 AM 編輯 ]

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原帖由 disclaimer88 於 2019-1-23 09:59 AM 發表



Dictator??  Is Trump describing about himself?


原帖由 cusooninhk 於 2019-1-23 10:09 AM 發表
Dictator??  Is Trump describing about himself?

原帖由 138138138 於 2019-1-23 10:05 發表

點會無選擇? 超市的蒸餾水 礦泉水擺滿架上, 從來都無限制你買幾多

從今日開始唔好飲用東江水, 改用蒸餾水 礦泉水嚟洗衫/沖涼, 然後拍條片上嚟, 咁就話你叻

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原帖由 138138138 於 2019-1-23 10:36 發表

投資你識條鐵咩! 都未論到你管, 要管就等你做咗財政司先啦!

沖厠係用海水嘅, 你表演飲厠水就話你叻


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