原帖由 勇敢的心1213 於 2019-1-10 11:57 PM 發表


1. 蘋果嘅5G數據機IC(大陸叫集成基帶,或者簡稱基帶)係同第三方買,傳聞中蘋果自己嘅數據機IC,起碼後年先有機會見到。
2. 美國高通Snapdragon X50係全世界第一款5G數據機IC。
3. 美國自己除咗高通,仲有intel有出同類產品,大陸嘅展訊佢都有份㗎。
4. 第一家推出符合3GPP Release 15預商用標準嘅廠家係韓國三星嘅Exynos Modem 5100。
5.  台灣聯發科早喺舊年九月已經有行自製5G基帶Helio M70、仲有可以實際運作嘅工程機展示添。
6. 華為到Mate20正式上市都仲未有5G基帶IC嘅具體規格,都唔好話工程機,只係得Balong 5000依個型號名詞。

呢位師兄有follow. 唔知幾時可以真正批量測試,到時先清楚狀況。而家,隔塊玻璃都可能收唔到5G,呢D一般人未必知道


                Huawei Launch World’s First 5G Chipset and 5G CPE                        Huawei launched the world’s first 5G Chipset and first 5G CPE at MWC 2018 in Barcelona yesterday. According to Huawei official sayings, the 5G chipset model is Balong 5G01, which makes Huawei the first company offering an end-to-end 5G solution through its network, devices, and chipset-level capabilities.

As the world’s first commercial terminal device, Huawei 5G Router supports 3GPP 5G Standards with Huawei developed 5G chipset Balong 5G01, which it labeled as being the world’s first commercial 3GPP 5G chipset supporting download speeds of up to 2.3Gbps across sub-6GHz and millimeter-wave (mmWave) spectrum bands. The 5G CPE comes in a sub-6GHz model and an mmWave model, Huawei announced. This device marks a milestone as Huawei sets the stage for the next generation of wireless connectivity.

The HUAWEI 5G CPE has two models, low frequency (sub6GHz) 5G CPE and high frequency (mmWave) 5G CPE respectively. The HUAWEI low frequency 5G CPE is small and lightweight, compatible with 4G and 5G networks, and has proven measured download speeds of up to 2Gbps – 20 times that of 100Mbps fiber. This provides an ultra-fast experience, allowing users to enjoy VR video and gaming experiences, or download a TV show within a second. The HUAWEI high frequency 5G CPE is available in indoor and outdoor units.

“mmWave technology will be an important tool in ensuring widespread deployment of 5G technology in Canada. Huawei’s 5G solutions and terminals will enable 5G coverage over a neighbourhood or small community cost effectively, while providing more convenient and high-speed home broadband Internet access services.” said Dr. Wen Tong, Huawei Fellow, and CTO Huawei Wireless, “This friendly user trial will drive the global 3GPP unified 5G standard and build a solid foundation for the 5G early commercialization.”

5G technology will underpin the next leap forward for our intelligent world, where people, vehicles, homes and devices are fully connected, delivering new experiences, insights and capabilities,” said Richard Yu, CEO of Huawei Consumer Business Group. “Since 2009, Huawei has invested US$600 million in research and development into 5G technologies, where we have led the way with innovations around network architecture, spectrum usage, field verification and more. From connected vehicles and smart homes to AR/VR and hologram videos, we are committed to developing a mature 5G ecosystem so that consumers can benefit from a truly connected world that transforms the way we communicate and share.”

南韓 EXYNOS 5100 係 2018-08-15 RELEASE..

Exynos Modem 5100 to accelerate 5G commercialization with successful over-the-air 5G-NR data call

The new single-chip modem supports multi-mode communication, ensuring high efficiency in data transmission

The Exynos Modem 5100 supports both sub-6GHz and mmWave spectrums specified in 3GPP’s 5G standard


5G MODEM最早公布係華為,不過分BAND..

5G 同時支援雙頻既MODEM係三星...