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Pierre Sprey (1937-),國防分析家,《維基百科》英文版有他的生平和介紹:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Sprey



  • F-35與它將取代的戰機比較,有大量缺點。
  • 美軍不理會這些缺點,因為美國國防部的採購過程有缺陷而且腐敗。
  • 採購過程出現缺陷、腐敗的基本原因是官商勾結:美國允許將軍退休後為武器承包商工作。
  • 現在對採購戰機和直升機有影響的將軍退休後,將近九成去為他們服役時打交道的武器承包商工作。
  • 承包商使分包商分布在全國幾乎每一個國會選區,這是影響各區國會議員的做法(舉個例子,假如一個議員因為F-35的缺點要取消它的計劃,他的選民就業將受影響,於是他不敢堅持己見)。
  • 使分包商遍布全美各地,造成大量不必要的外判工作,增加成本。
  • 有些地區沒有好的分包商,於是勉強用較差的,他們的產品不一定能達到要求。
  • 因此出現很多重大的品質控制問題,影響F-35的安全和維修。
  • F-35的用途多,將用於近距空中支援、深入轟炸、空戰,但門門不精。
  • F-35將取現在用於近距空中支援的A-10,但與A-10比較,"無可救藥地差"。
  • 如果用於轟炸,F-35的載彈量"小得荒謬",因為需要維持隱型。
  • F-35的用途多,使它的飛行員不能專注於一種用途,不能成為專家。




[ 本帖最後由 tam_n 於 2018-10-15 10:07 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 tam_n 於 2018-10-15 10:05 PM 發表
Pierre Sprey (1937-),國防分析家,《維基百科》英文版有他的生平和介紹:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Sprey



F-35與 ...
咦, 一無是處, 係咪應該退役呀? 美軍點解會繼續生產嘅?

原帖由 南宮老人 於 2018-10-15 10:14 PM 發表

咦, 一無是處, 係咪應該退役呀? 美軍點解會繼續生產嘅?


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Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
‘Americans Will Die’: F-35s Fatally Flawed from Production to Battlefield
21:51 12.10.2018
(updated 21:55 12.10.2018)
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The first time an F-35 Joint Strike Fighter crashed was on September 28, 2018, and the US grounded its entire F-35 fleet to assess and remedy the problem. The failure highlights far greater problems in the procurement and production process responsible for both the high cost and low performance of the plane.

After a US Marine Corps F-35B Joint Strike Fighter jet crashed in South Carolina last month, the US military found the cause to be a faulty fuel tube. Israel and the UK grounded their own F-35 fleets after the US announced its planes would stop flying until the fuel tube issue was fixed.

F-35 Lightning II
Software Issues Derail F-35 Testing Schedule
With a production price tag judged variously to be between $115 and $198 million per plane, and a total projected program cost at nearly $1.5 trillion, each plane that crashes is an equivalent financial loss to five F-16 Fighting Falcon jets; or, in greater social terms, a 100-bed hospital, like the $150 million facility being built at Augusta University, according to the Atlanta Business Chronicle.

The F-35 program is no stranger to procurement difficulties or parts quality, either. Among the problems encountered by the F-35 so far — the B version of which only flew its first combat mission the day before the South Carolina crash — have been the LEDs in their helmet displays, tires that wear out too quickly, refueling probes breaking off in mid-flight, the plane's life support system not providing adequate oxygen to pilots during flights, and being unable to fly in certain kinds of weather. Many more such problems exist. Each has impaired the ability of the plane to operate effectively and further inflated the cost per plane, as problems have to be identified and fixes found and implemented before the jets are up to "factory spec" — or what factory spec is supposed to be from the Pentagon's point of view.

Pierre Sprey, a special assistant to the Secretary of Defense and a former defense analyst who is considered to be one of the fathers of the F-16 and A-10 fighter jets, and one of the country's foremost critics of the F-35, told Radio Sputnik's Loud & Clear Thursday that the reason for both the high cost and the low quality of the plane's parts is the way the procurement system operates. Built into this system, he says, are incentives for cost overruns and corruption by military brass who go on to lucrative defense contracts after they retire.

​"The fundamental reason" the US military continues to use the F-35, despite its numerous shortcomings compared to the warplanes it was due to replace, "is the flawed — I should say corrupted — acquisition process that unfortunately now is running acquisition in the Pentagon. The fundamental problem is very simple: we let Air Force and Navy and Army and Marine generals go to work for contractors who are building weapons that these generals have had influence over while they were on active duty. It's gotten so bad that close to 90 percent of generals involved with air, either with helicopters or Air Force fighters or Marine or Navy fighters, go to work for contractors when they retire. As long as we as a nation permit that to continue, we will never have decent, effective air power. It's impossible when those kind of incentives are operating with that kind of huge money."

A-10's Gatling Gun
F-35 vs A-10 Flyoff Test Rigged to Favor Lockheed Jet - Watchdog
Noting how contractors working on Pentagon projects have placed their subcontracts in nearly every single congressional district in the country, Sprey told hosts John Kiriakou and Brian Becker that this was "a way of influencing the Congress to vote in ways that are not in the interests of national defense and not in the interests of the taxpayer."

Sprey noted that those kinds of decisions — for example, to build a certain component in Montana instead of Georgia — aren't simply changes in location; spreading around the F-35 pie so most of Congress gets a piece carries a "penalty [that] is very, very high." He noted that such operations have to outsource for parts more, which "makes control of the production very, very difficult." Further, the best contractors might not be available in those districts, meaning "second-rate contractors" pick up the tab and likely don't build the part to specifications. "You can't fire him, because you need that senator, right? So effectively you've lost control over your production process because you've let politics interfere in the selection of the sources for the parts you need."

Sprey noted that scheduling is plagued by the same problems for the same reasons.

"So you wind up with a bunch of major quality control problems that of course affect the safety and the maintenance of the airplane," the former defense analyst said.

Israel to buy about 100 state-of-the-art F-35 Joint Strike Fighter warplanes from the United States
Senate Ban on F-35 Sale to Turkey Blow to Most Expensive US Jet Program – German Media
"This was so bad, in a recent example, on the F-22, also built by Lockheed like the F-35, they actually had something called a shim line, where when they got bad parts in, instead of sending them back to the contractor to get them built to correct specs — which would take a lot of time, and they were falling behind on schedule — they would actually have a special assembly line where they would take these somewhat out-of-spec parts, and they would kind of ‘shim' them to fit. In other words, we were going back to the kind of primitive, hand-built production that people were doing before mass production was invented in the 19th century!"

Sprey described how this can create real problems when the part breaks later on and "the 19-year-old mechanic on the flight line" has to order a new part that isn't quite the same as the one shimmed onto the plane during production. "Now he has to apply the kind of expertise and years of experience it takes to shim the part into place — you can't expect him to be able to do that."

As to the question of battlefield efficacy, the former special assistant to the secretary of defense said that "the do-everything, ‘Swiss knife' of airplanes" is "like a screwdriver and a saw and a hammer all combined into one, and obviously it doesn't do any of those three very well. Multi-mission airplanes never do.

F-35 Luke Air Force Base
After Seven Years of Setbacks, Lockheed Martin Delivers 300th F-35 to US Military
"This airplane was supposed to do close [air] support," he said, noting it is "hopelessly inferior, incurably inferior to the A-10," the plane it was supposed to supplant, "at actually supporting troops, getting in close on very dangerous, close-in firefights and not killing our own people. That's the problem: when that airplane tries to get in close — which it has to, to really distinguish friend from foe — it will get shot to pieces. So it can't do it, and that means it's going to be trying to distinguish friend from foe over imperfect video links and stuff like that from 15 or 20,000 feet, and Americans will die."


講咁多嘢都多膠魚, 一個'廢'字就可以包含哂.

原帖由 南宮老人 於 2018-10-15 10:14 PM 發表

咦, 一無是處, 係咪應該退役呀? 美軍點解會繼續生產嘅?

原帖由 tam_n 於 2018-10-15 10:05 PM 發表
Pierre Sprey (1937-),國防分析家,《維基百科》英文版有他的生平和介紹:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Sprey



F-35與 ...
戰機黑手黨之父之一,在佢眼中應該只有 F-16 呢一類輕戰機、玩 Dogfight 玩飛行員個人能力的戰機先係皇道,當年佢批評 F-14 都係咁上下。


原帖由 南宮老人 於 2018-10-15 10:14 PM 發表

咦, 一無是處, 係咪應該退役呀? 美軍點解會繼續生產嘅?
看看1樓Pierre Sprey提的第2-5點吧。

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原帖由 maoleitau 於 2018-10-16 03:10 PM 發表

西方武器對外銷售往往帶有政治性, 日本也想自行發展四代機, 但連自行設計三代機的底子也沒有, 結果年初正式宣佈暫停四代機的研究. 最大的問題是日本自用的F-2, F-4, F-15機體太舊, 面臨退役, F-35A之外沒有其它的選擇, 而美國售于日本價格是自用的三~四倍, 美國不向日本大量銷售才是傻瓜, 而且日本二戰後一直是美國的附庸國, 不向美國獻媚是不行的. ...
因日本受限制,只係於十年八年內開始研發戰機, 而大陸係1958年已研發第一代戰機成功,

原帖由 maoleitau 於 2018-10-16 03:10 PM 發表

西方武器對外銷售往往帶有政治性, 日本也想自行發展四代機, 但連自行設計三代機的底子也沒有, 結果年初正式宣佈暫停四代機的研究. 最大的問題是日本自用的F-2, F-4, F-15機體太舊, 面臨退役, F-35A之外沒有其它的選擇, 而美國售于日本價格是自用的三~四倍, 美國不向日本大量銷售才是傻瓜, 而且日本二戰後一直是美國的附庸國, 不向美國獻媚是不行的. ...
你解釋唔到呢樣野:F-15/16/18都有新UPGRADE型出, F35真係咁廢點解唔買嗰D??
仲有F35A日本版貴唔係因為要搵日本笨, 而係日本堅持要自行生產.買MADE IN USA就會平好多.

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