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無睇嘅...自己去睇下老美點講 不過我怕D假西唔識英文

[ 本帖最後由 antiapple 於 2018-10-15 03:02 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 antiapple 於 2018-10-15 02:57 PM 發表
無睇嘅...自己去睇下老美點講 不過我怕D假西唔識英文
你明唔明量子加密在實驗上做得到同埋真係在現實世界上實用仲有十萬光年的距離? 至於量子電腦, GOOGLE 同阿里就係72 QUBIT同埋11 QUBIT既距離. IBM 就一早有50QUBIT.
量子雷逹方面, 就算你偵測到F22/F35,你能否火控鎖定目標, 導彈上雷逹又能否鎖定目標? 做得到呢D先至叫做真正成功.

原帖由 antiapple 於 2018-10-15 02:57 PM 發表
無睇嘅...自己去睇下老美點講 不過我怕D假西唔識英文

節錄一段: 但有人質疑,「看似無懈可擊的量子通信方式,實際上是以犧牲信息穩定性為代價的」。因為一旦存在敵方任何形式的入侵行為,不管是竊聽、複製還是干擾,穩定的量子通信都將無法實現。「從這個意義上說,量子通信可以說是只要有敵方存在就辦不了事,而這樣的系統,最終也只能淪為擺設。」袁嵐峰表示,在量子通信過程中,量子被測量時會發生狀態的突變,通信雙方一旦發現狀態有變就會停止通信,因此竊聽確實會阻撓通信。但這並不等於說量子通信沒有用。他認為,首先,這種敵對的阻撓是一次性的;其次,跟安全但可能被阻撓的量子通信比較的對象,應該是暢通但可能泄密的傳統通信。與通信被阻斷相比,泄密更不可取。尤其是在安全性因素壓倒一切的特殊需求中,量子通信的地位無可替代;再次,當量子計算機實用化時,傳統通信會變成完全無密可言。到那時,如果沒有量子通信的手段,中國將會無從選擇。

原帖由 funbull9394 於 2018-10-15 04:12 PM 發表
你明唔明量子加密在實驗上做得到同埋真係在現實世界上實用仲有十萬光年的距離? 至於量子電腦, GOOGLE 同阿里就係72 QUBIT同埋11 QUBIT既距離. IBM 就一早有50QUBIT.
量子雷逹方面, 就算你偵測到F22/F35,你能否火控鎖定目標, 導彈上雷逹又能否鎖定目標? 做得到呢D先至叫做真正成功. ...
只係想話比D無知同盲反嘅人知, 中國量子技術最少已經係處於領先嘅地位.同埋直至今日為止 中國係全球唯一一個擁有量子衛星嘅國家

[ 本帖最後由 antiapple 於 2018-10-15 04:57 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 南宮老人 於 2018-10-15 04:22 PM 發表
節錄一段: 但有人質疑,「看似無懈可擊的量子通信方式,實際上是以犧牲信息穩定性為代價的」。因為一旦存在敵方任何形式的入侵行為,不管是竊聽、複製還是干擾,穩定的量子通信都將無法實現。「從這個意義上說,量子通信可以說是只要有敵方存在就辦不了事,而這樣的系統,最終也只能淪為擺設。」袁嵐峰表示,在量子通信過程中,量子被測 ...
Ching你又真真奇怪 要Quote文.又要斷章取義。反正要quote去反對...點解唔quote一D全文皆反嘅文章??




所以Ching下次quote文要小心D... 如果唔係... 就真係被打臉架哪!

我又Quote番段文比閣下品評一下 相信可靠性總比台灣山雞網站好!

This is the most important tech contest since the space race, and America is losing
A quantum processor (Courtesy of D-Wave Systems Inc.)

By C.L. Max NikiasMay 11C. L. Max Nikias is the president of the University of Southern California and member of the National Academy of Engineering.
After the Soviets launched ­Sputnikin 1957, we saw how federal investment in U.S. private industry and academic research allowed the United States to catch up, win the space race and hold decades of military and technology dominance. There is no doubt: America emerged victorious from the Cold War because of its investments in science and technology.
Today, the landscape of conflict is increasingly being driven by a new set of factors, which Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats summed up as a global “competition for technological superiority.” Yet our most advanced technologies are still largely based on Cold War-era inventions.
The development of quantum technology presents the United States with its new “Sputnik moment.” Quantum systems promise to upend everything that came before. But once again, America has some catching up to do.

A national strategy, like the one this nation embarked on following the Sputnik launch, will help get us there. And, yes, the stakes are just that high. If not higher.
The science is famously hard to grasp, but this is what’s important: Quantum tech takes advantage of quantum physics to manipulate atoms and subatomic particles in new, potentially powerful ways. For example, the speed and power of today’s computers are physically limited to the transistors that carry out their functions. That’s because transistors are basically on-off switches for the flow of electrons in computers (typically represented in values of zeros and ones, or “bits”).
But quantum computing promises a way around this limitation through the quirks of quantum physics. Specifically, the bits in quantum computers can exist in more than one state at a time, can influence each other instantaneously from great distances, and can act as particles and waves simultaneously. These new bits — known as quantum bits or “qubits” — create the potential to process data much faster than traditional computers.

This technology holds immense promise. It could allow us to communicate faster, more accurately and more securely than ever before — meeting not only the security challenges of tomorrow but also revolutionizing everything from code-breaking to cybersecurity to climate modeling, and opening new frontiers in medicine and materials science.
Whoever gets this technology first will also be able to cripple traditional defenses and power grids and manipulate the global economy. The surest way to deter such behavior is to win this race.
Yet, many suspect that China is already pulling ahead. Although the country’s total investment is unknown, the Chinese government is building a $10 billion, 4-million-square-foot National Laboratory for Quantum Information Sciences, due to open in two years.
China has already launched into orbit the “Quantum Experiments at Space Scale” satellite. Using quantum communications technology, the satellite successfully sent “unbreakable” code from space last year.

In comparison to China’s investments, U.S. government-funded research in quantum technology, stood at just $300 million a year as of 2016.
In 1958, the year after America was jolted into action by the launch of Sputnik, NASA was given an initial annual budget of less than $800 million in today’s dollars. By 1962, after the United States once again came in second — this time in the race to human spaceflight — NASA’s budget jumped to more than $10 billion. America never looked back.
A similar misfire in the race for quantum technology would not be as easy to overcome. If the United States is to lead, immediate investment is needed to fund advances in quantum encryption, quantum computing and quantum communication.
Some of this is already underway, but we are only scratching the surface. The National Science Foundation has listed quantum technology as one of its 10 big ideas and has made multimillion-dollar investments in secure communications research. And the U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, which operates under the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, recently selected my university, the University of Southern California, to lead a consortium of institutions to build and test 100-qubit quantum machines. The largest quantum computer currently operating is a 72-qubit system built by Google.

Other institutions are breaking important ground in this area as well, including Harvard University and the University of Maryland. But these efforts will only mark a watershed if our nation prioritizes quantum research as it did aerospace and defense in the mid-20th century.
Like then, critical partnerships between academia, government and the private sector can build the human capital we need to lead in the quantum era.
But if we do not take the appropriate action, America’s dominance in a ­technology-driven world will be short-lived. Congress should use the 2019 budget debate to form a national quantum strategy and to ensure it is funded appropriately not only next year but also in the years to come.
Our leaders did not fail us in 1957. Our leaders cannot fail us now.

[ 本帖最後由 antiapple 於 2018-10-15 05:07 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 antiapple 於 2018-10-15 04:53 PM 發表

Ching你又真真奇怪 要Quote文.又要斷章取義。反正要quote去反對...點解唔quote一D全文皆反嘅文章??


「量子信息的研究者並不是一個封閉的團體,正相反,他們歡迎對量子信息的質疑,不斷尋找所有可能的漏洞,再找辦法彌補。」袁嵐峰舉例說,1984年提出的BB84量子密碼協議是否安全,一直都有人質疑。直到1999年 ...
"the U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, which operates under the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, recently selected my university, the University of Southern California, to lead a consortium of institutions to build and test 100-qubit quantum machines. The largest quantum computer currently operating is a 72-qubit system built by Google."

原帖由 funbull9394 於 2018-10-15 05:33 PM 發表

"the U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, which operates under the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, recently selected my university, the Un ...
以為大家都叫「量子」就差唔多.. up得就up!!


量子電腦之所以比而家嘅電腦快N倍 係因為量子電腦用Quantum Logic Gate , 唔係而家嘅電腦只有0同1!!

而量子雷達係運用量子纏結(Quantum Entanglement)嘅特性.去觀察其中一粒光子嘅改變,從而得知另一粒嘅情怳~ 去取代現有雷達利用反射波來偵測目標。

就係因為中國可以在外太空同地面相關幾百km做到quantum decoherence (uncertainty principle)成功嘅實驗!! 外國連個實用D嘅實驗都無得做 點同中國比呀??

[ 本帖最後由 antiapple 於 2018-10-15 06:53 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 antiapple 於 2018-10-15 06:02 PM 發表

以為大家都叫「量子」就差唔多.. up得就up!!


量子電腦之所以比而家嘅電腦快N倍 係因為量子電腦用Quantum Logic Gate , 唔係而家嘅電腦只有0同1!!

而量子雷達係運用量子纏結(Quantum Entanglement)嘅特性.去觀察其中一粒子嘅改變,從 ...
你真係白痴, 連量子雷逹既原理都唔知..... 你仲話去觀察其中一粒糾纏狀態下量子嘅改變係量子雷逹既原理.... 你唔知道什麼是OBSERVER EFFECT, 什麼是SUPERPOSITION, 就扮專家.
總括而言, 現在中國投資在三大量子科技上.
1. 量子雷逹: 原理由加拿大首先提出, 中國完成可行性研究,離實用仲有很長很長道路, 絕不是本帖所說的量子雷逹問世(己逹實用性)的階段. 而且原引文對量子電逹原理完全無知...
2. 量子加密通信: 完成衞星實驗, 成功進行密匙完全保密交換, 但實用性成疑. 例如密匙原量子要先向一城市發出, 等兩小時後再向奧地利發出, 之後再經傳統光纖通信.  但應用科技上只有中國進行衛星實驗
3. 量子電腦: 現在最有可能有巨大影響的量子科技, GOOGLE 做到72 QUBITS, IBM 做到50 QUBITS, 阿里巴巴只能做到11 QUBITS.
在最重要的量子電腦上, 領先全球的是GOOGLE 和IBM, 絕不是原文所說的"中國在各量子科技領域上都是領先全世界"

唔該你搞清量子雷逹原理先至好扮專家, 我可以提一提你其實係NOICE REDUCTION, 其他我就唔幫人教仔啦...

原帖由 fb666 於 2018-10-15 09:40 AM 發表


原帖由 funbull9394 於 2018-10-15 07:07 PM 發表
你真係白痴, 連量子雷逹既原理都唔知..... 你仲話去觀察其中一粒糾纏狀態下量子嘅改變係量子雷逹既原理.... 你唔知道什麼是OBSERVER EFFECT, 什麼是SUPERPOSITION, 就扮專家.
總括而言, 現在中國投資在三大量子科技上.
1. 量子雷逹: 原理由加拿大首先提出, 中國完成可行性研究,離實用仲有很長很長道路, 絕不是本帖所說的量子雷逹問世(己逹實用性)的階段. ...
你條儍仔上google search咗幾個字就扮專家!
你下下只識問人地識唔識! 你叻嘅 就講我錯D咩
量子雷逹既原理係點 !!?

哪我先講你錯咩先 廢事話我蝦你!!
量子雷逹係老美 M.I.T.嘅 SETH LLOYD 第一個提出!

點解你以為係加拿大?? 我幫你答埋啦!!
因為老美想做實驗,而且又想係一個最多雜訊嘅地方~ 所以揀咗加拿大北極內~ 知無??


[ 本帖最後由 antiapple 於 2018-10-15 07:55 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 antiapple 於 2018-10-15 04:53 PM 發表

Ching你又真真奇怪 要Quote文.又要斷章取義。反正要quote去反對...點解唔quote一D全文皆反嘅文章??


「量子信息的研究者並不是一個封閉的團體,正相反,他們歡迎對量子信息的質疑,不斷尋找所有可能的漏洞,再找辦法彌補。」袁嵐峰舉例說,1984年提出的BB84量子密碼協議是否安全,一直都有人質疑。直到1999年 ...

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原帖由 南宮老人 於 2018-10-15 07:38 PM 發表
師兄知書識墨 有禮貌 我當然好好回應
但我唔睇都睇哂 唔Quote都quote咗


原帖由 fb666 於 2018-10-15 07:46 PM 發表


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