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原帖由 泛民之星陳盲刎 於 2018-10-11 02:41 PM 發表

美國財政部拍賣360億美元三年期國債,得標利率2.989%,創2007年5月份以來新高,投標倍數2.56創7月份以來新低,前次為2.68。由於美債乏人問津,債息預期再升,投資者拋售美股!!! ...
無常識, 咁容易第一日開打貿易戰中央已經做左啦,

侵侵:  好我就賣航母俾你, 分50 年供款, 供完先交貨

原帖由 mancheonghoho 於 2018-10-11 02:44 PM 發表
乜中國除咗高端芯片, 連引擎都造唔到?

原帖由 Wekxz 於 2018-10-11 04:37 PM 發表

在網上搜索到一份圖,在07年曾經破五,除非我看錯了 !
是, 當時有成5厘, 不過當時發行債額量同今日係差天共地, 當年支付5厘息都只佔美國GBP很少百份比
如果今天達到5厘息, 美國就要每年支付超過1萬3千e至1萬5千e利息....以現時美政府資料公布收入只有約3萬e計算, 真係跳樓都唔掂
故我覺得4 厘已經係極限, 3.5係ok可博的, 除非有很大很大的事件發生就另外計

原帖由 hfceddie 於 2018-10-11 04:53 PM 發表

乜中國除咗高端芯片, 連引擎都造唔到?
美國都做唔到, 你唔係唔知道美國飛機用歐洲引擎吧? 快D回去食屎啦你

原帖由 ufohk 於 2018-10-11 04:52 PM 發表

無常識, 咁容易第一日開打貿易戰中央已經做左啦,

原帖由 來自M78星雲的神 於 2018-10-11 04:53 PM 發表

是, 當時有成5厘, 不過當時發行債額量同今日係差天共地, 當年支付5厘息都只佔美國GBP很少百份比
如果今天達到5厘息, 美國就要每年支付超過1萬3千e至1萬5千e利息....以現時美政府資料公布收入只有約3萬e計算, 真係跳樓都唔掂
故我覺得4 厘已經係極限, 3.5係ok可博的, 除非有很大很大的事件發生就另外計 ...
High hand ar Ching!

齊心拉 Trump 落台

原帖由 泛民之星陳盲刎 於 2018-10-11 02:41 PM 發表

美國財政部拍賣360億美元三年期國債,得標利率2.989%,創2007年5月份以來新高,投標倍數2.56創7月份以來新低,前次為2.68。由於美債乏人問津,債息預期再升,投資者拋售美股!!! ...
利率再升, 香港和全球經濟陪葬, 傻人先有這個見解.


原帖由 Troways 於 2018-10-11 05:00 PM 發表

利率再升, 香港和全球經濟陪葬, 傻人先有這個見解.


原帖由 benben999 於 2018-10-11 04:53 PM 發表

美國都做唔到, 你唔係唔知道美國飛機用歐洲引擎吧? 快D回去食屎啦你
我唔打咁大巴, 留力啲就住你。 不過如果你唔識英文, just forget it!

It depends on which specific model from Airbus or Boeing you're looking at, but there are a few major players (and some joint ventures between them) in the business of manufacturing jet engines for airliners.

Nowadays, most manufacturers let airlines choose between engines from two, or even three, different manufacturers for each model family they offer. Within a given "series" of engine, there will be several variations with differing amounts of thrust.

The "big three" who have at least a part of every engine on a Boeing or Airbus airliner are:

General Electric
CF6 series used in Airbus A300, A310 and A330 and Boeing 747 and 767
GE90 series used in Boeing 777
GEnx series used in Boeing 787 and Boeing 747-8i
Pratt & Whitney
JT8D series used in early Boeing 737
JT9D series used in Airbus A300 and A310 and Boeing 747 and 767
PW2000 series used in Boeing 757
PW4000 series used in Airbus A300, A310 and A330 and Boeing 747, 767 and 777
PW6000 series used in Airbus A318
RB200 series used in Boeing 747 and 757
Trent 500 series used in later Airbus A340
Trent 700 series used in Airbus A330
Trent 800 series used in Boeing 777
Trent 970 series used in Airbus A350 and A380
Trent 1000 series used in Boeing 787
And the big joint ventures are:
CFM International (joint venture of General Electric and Safran Aircraft Engines)
CFM56 series used in Airbus A318/A319/A320/A321, early A340, and later Boeing 737
Engine Alliance (joint venture of General Electric and Pratt & Whitney)
GP7000 series used in Airbus A380
International Aero Engines (joint venture of Pratt & Whitney, Rolls-Royce, Japanese Aero Engine Corporation and MTU)
IAE V2500 series used in the Airbus A319/A320/A321
Just as a piece of trivia - Pratt & Whitney was founded in 1925 and is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corporation. UTC is one of the fragments of the United Aircraft and Transport Corporation, which from 1929 to 1934 owned not only Pratt & Whitney, but also Boeing, and United Airlines!

[ 本帖最後由 hfceddie 於 2018-10-11 05:34 PM 編輯 ]





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