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我有個friend個Daddy 16 years old 時 入咗 royal air force 做 engineer, 做三十幾年, 出咗泥只需要讀一個半年 course, 便成為 一個 professional aircraft engineer, 而家大富大貴, 世界邊到有飛機壞咗, 他的公司就 派他去果道, 免費坐 1st class, 看一看, 話邊到要修理, 點人做野, 就走人, 吟就好多錢.

當兵 5  一定射人 or 被人射, it is about experience, travelling around the world, and seeing new things.

(小人學緊中文, 請原諒)

樓主 - do you understand what i said? i know my chinese is shit, but my friend  =/= me, and if my friend is rich =/= i am rich. You can make friends anywhere - i am in the CCF, RAF section, so i know lots of people who work or worked in the forces.
What you said above was very ignorant, and by reading the rest of your board proves that you ARE very ignorant,.
one question, do you know anyone who worked or works in the forces?

(Dictionary : ignorant = 無知)
the passage i've typed in chinese took me 1/2 an hour, os i cant be bothered to type the above in chinese...

只會有錢人先會識返有錢人 = WHAT THE FUCK????

原帖由 woodbadger 於 2009-8-19 11:30 PM 發表 算啦,好多人狗眼看人低......指鹿為馬,顛倒是非既人太多.....好多人都憎人富貴嫌人窮
glad that somebody is AWAKE

game西 started an argument that he can't win, and he is not accepting other people's opinions

what you said before was "anyone would 當兵當到訓街"

if you think "當兵係最笨既行為~~打死我都唔當兵" i have not comments, because i RESPECT your view, but your argument is weak and shit because you have no prove, if you find some i may change my view

by the way : 當兵係最笨既行為 <- why?

remember kids: 當兵 5  一定射人 or 被人射, it is about experience, travelling around the world, and seeing new things.

narrow minded

where is the loser now? scared to discuss on hk discuss? this aint finished yet!!

公道自在人心, 死撐冇用o 世界好多嘢你未接觸過, 要放眼世界

原帖由 woodbadger 於 2009-8-21 05:17 PM 發表 算啦,佢都帶比我地唔少歡樂架!!s
架唔中有啲kai子開kai post 先致好玩

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