• 瀏覽: 453
Power politics is a theory in international relations, which contains the idea that
--- distributions of power and interests, or changes to those distributions, are fundamental causes of war and of system stability.
---the concept of power politics provides a way of understanding systems
of international relations:
--- nations compete for the world's limited resources;
--strives to be manifestly able to harm others.
---Power politics prioritizes national self-interest over the interests of other nations or the international community, and thus may include threatening one another with military, economic or political aggression to protect one nation's own interest.
美國的 川普常常說:America first.
這就是Power politics 作祟。
【反觀中國大陸: 毛澤東鬥爭論】

[ 本帖最後由 持劍衛道 於 2020-11-4 03:11 PM 編輯 ]

持劍衛道的精神是,在不影響中國目前執政者繼續執政之下,以正義消弭邪惡,本著自由平等博愛。改善 中國和香港的同胞的福祉。
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