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原帖由 suittie2000 於 2009-5-23 12:14 PM 發表

原帖由 古靈仔 於 2009-5-11 13:18 發表

我上邊答另一網友, 也是同樣的回應你


1) 中國法制是另一課題, 不能以中國法制未完善作為理據, 反證中共在六四的錯處, 你說的修改憲法, 也是一個重大議題, 一國憲法要考慮作出修改,  ...
1.) You are side-tracking on the argument here...... my original argument was the Chinese Law itself was unjust...... so your point of the CCP "acting according to law" is simply flawed.....

2.) Throughout this discussion you have been implying that the CCP was compelled to yield and use extreme force...... thats why you keep emphasisng on the wrongs of the students...... What I believe is, did all the students/ public who were murdered committed wrongdoing? What about proportionality (Did they deserve to be executed, were they tried) ?

b.) Look at the Canadian video you showed me (
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyj-3S_ulvI&feature=related) .... look at the no. of the wounded....... firing into the shy caused all those...... (besides I think manslaughter is an executable offence in China anyway isn't it?)

c.) again the video you showed me..... I think the tank/ armoured personnel carrier was firing.... look at 2:45 to 2:47.....

3.) No thats quite different...... You don't seem to quite understand the principle of justice....... for example, 5 robbers went to rob a bank, 6 people were accused of being part of the deed and were killed on site..... 2 of them were innocent.... does the fact that one of the robbers escaped mean it is OK to kill that 2 innocent people?

With that kind of attitude towards justice..... frankly.... you will feel right at home in mainland China....

4.) After Chan made his comment, the committee of SU made a joint statement.... stating Chan's view does not represent them or the SU.... that's a clear violation of collective responsibility......how else would you call it?

P.S. All exams = done............ FREEDOM !!!!  

原帖由 00lawv13SEB 於 2009-5-23 06:49 PM 發表

1.) You are side-tracking on the argument here...... my original argument was the Chinese Law itself was unjust...... so your point of the CCP "acting according to law" is simply flawed.....

中國法律如何 unjust? 你唔好學支聯會和蘋果記者係度叫口號! 咁大型咁多人的暴動唔處理, 咁北京市民的安全誰去保障? 鎮壓前出現搶軍火, 呢 d係和平示威? 有那一個國家會容許呢 d暴動而不出動軍警? 請你告之我如何去控制一場有百萬人的暴動 (20萬是學生)?

老老實實到今時今日我都唔知邊個叫陳一諤, 係唔係明星黎架 ?

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原帖由 殭屍銀行 於 2009-5-23 06:55 PM 發表

原帖由 00lawv13SEB 於 2009-5-23 06:49 PM 發表

1.) You are side-tracking on the argument here...... my original argument was the Chinese Law itself was unjust...... so your point of the CCP "acting according to law" is simply flawed.....

你講公義? 公義是包括了對學生殺軍人不用被審判嗎?
你護短護得很難看 ! 我支持樓主的大公無私, 這才是真公義, 你的是雞腸小肚的假公義。

原帖由 殭屍銀行 於 2009-5-23 18:55 發表
咁多好野係呢度, 一定要繼續推下去
睇下今年六四後, 支聯會點面對!

原帖由 00lawv13SEB 於 2009-5-23 06:49 PM 發表

1.) You are side-tracking on the argument here...... my original argument was the Chinese Law itself was unjust...... so your point of the CCP "acting according to law" is simply flawed.....

我之前都講得好清楚架喇, 唔想再重覆, 責任方面理應各負, 自己去睇


講到話公正性, 我就真係唔明架喎, 陳同學第一次選舉勝出, 敵方/輸方竟然話有自己友在票箱旁, 所以以「不公正」為由廢除第一次選據喎, 呵呵, 呢個理由, 又樣衰又難睇

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原帖由 爆雲歸西 於 2009-5-23 18:54 發表

中國法律如何 unjust? 你唔好學支聯會和蘋果記者係度叫口號! 咁大型咁多人的暴動唔處理, 咁北京市民的安全誰去保障? 鎮壓前出現搶軍火, 呢 d係和平示威? 有那一個國家會容許呢 d暴動而不出動軍警? 請你告之我如何去 ...
中國法律如何 unjust..... how can a socialist legal system be just in the area of public law? (which dictates the relationship between the state and the people)

咁大型咁多人的暴動唔處理......So you actually disagree with 古靈仔 since even he said "不認同以高殺傷力鎮壓".....

原帖由 MI6 於 2009-5-23 21:28 發表

你講公義? 公義是包括了對學生殺軍人不用被審判嗎?
你護短護得很難看 ! 我支持樓主的大公無私, 這才是真公義, 你的是雞腸小肚的假公義。
公義是包括了對學生殺軍人不用被審判嗎.... thats exactly what I said !!! The students didnt even have a chance to be tried.... they were executed on site. I said the students deserved to be tried (undergo the due process..... if such thing exist in China) before they were killed by the state. That's why I oppose the CCP's action.

原帖由 00lawv13SEB 於 2009-5-26 08:00 PM 發表

中國法律如何 unjust..... how can a socialist legal system be just in the area of public law? (which dictates the relationship between the state and the people)

咁大型咁多人的暴動唔處理... ...
任何國家的法律就係限制人類的自由, 包括限制你叛國, 為的是保政權, 保領土, 保大部份人有一個安定社會, 有乜問題?

你認為中國政府獨裁, 但大部份的中國人認同你嗎?

[ 本帖最後由 A380 於 2009-5-26 08:07 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 00lawv13SEB 於 2009-5-26 08:02 PM 發表

公義是包括了對學生殺軍人不用被審判嗎.... thats exactly what I said !!! The students didnt even have a chance to be tried.... they were executed on site. I said the students deserved to be tried  ...
The students didnt even have a chance to be tried.... they were executed on site

↑  你咁講, 有無片睇? ↑


第一部裝甲車到廣場的情況 (六四天安門事件)
四分鐘燒毀一部裝甲車 (柴玲旁述「六四」)

六四天安門以暴亂結束 (平民嚴重暴力篇)

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