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A。[quote]原帖由 daimonster 於 2017-6-11 發表
既然比希拉莉更高級的一號人物, 自己真係想再多理解樓主理念, 問樓主自己有冇著作(讀一本書認識作者比較容易)卻又吾答】

良心之光的回應:Hilary Clinton 有她的長處,也有弱點。如果你想比較我和她,你可以另開帖子研究。

B。希拉蕊 的性格

1. the Bright Side
  • Low to Moderately Adjusted.  calmness under pressure, sometimes a bit anxious and nervous. She takes criticism personally and is seems genuinely disappointed with herself when she makes a mistake.
  • Highly Ambitious.  wants to win, and wants to be in charge. concerned about results
  • not so  Sociable.  tends to be less comfortable speaking publicly,
  • Low on Interpersonal Sensitivity. Mrs. Clinton is seen as distant and impersonal. Indeed, her detractors regularly point this as her major flaw (e.g., that she is a robot).
  • High on Prudence. Mrs. Clinton is detail-oriented and cares about following the rules.
  • Low on Inquisitiveness. Mrs. Clinton is practically focused and does not appear to be particularly creative in terms of developing policies or solving problems.

2.the Dark Side:
  • Low on Excitable. As just noted, Mrs. Clinton tends to be stable and predictable in terms of her mood and emotions. Indeed, she is publicly unreactive to personal attacks and criticisms (though privately criticisms appear to bother her more). Interestingly, this characteristic is perhaps the one that distinguishes Mrs. Clinton most from Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump is far more reactive to personal attacks and unpredictable. In other words, while criticisms bother Mrs. Clinton internally (low Adjustment), she does not let it show publicly. Mr. Trump is precisely the opposite.

  • Highly Bold. Although Mrs. Clinton is not as Bold as Mr. Trump, virtually every politician scores high on this characteristic (including Barack Obama). It takes a high degree of self-confidence, feelings of grandiosity, and arrogance to decide to run for President of the United States. As a result, these people are difficult to work with because they feel entitled to special treatment, intimidate others, and overestimate their capabilities (i.e., virtually every President in history has failed to follow through on election promises).

  • Highly Cautious. Mrs. Clinton seems slow to take action, which appears to largely stem from fear of making a mistake or facing criticism. Indeed, she appears pressured (from inside and out) to be perfect at all times. The downside is that this will make Mrs. Clinton slow to act and make decisions. On the plus side, she will thoroughly consider each decision she makes.

  • Low on Mischievousness. Despite popular conspiracy theories, Mrs. Clinton appears to be low on Mischievousness. She is not particularly charming, nor daring. She does not appear to enjoy risks or thrive on excitement. As a leader she will be controlled and is unlikely to make decisions on an impulse. On the downside, she won’t appear to be very much fun.
  • Low on Colorful. Mrs. Clinton is similarly low on Colorful. She is not particularly likely to entertain with jokes and is more likely to come across to others as boring. She is not adept at calling attention to herself. She is more likely to point to her record of public service rather than to her own personal characteristics. Once again, this distinguishes her dramatically from Mr. Trump who is perceived as much more self-promoting and entertaining.
  • Highly Diligent. Mrs. Clinton is perfectionistic. She has extremely high standards for herself and is highly organized. She is obsessive about details and takes preparation very seriously. This means Mrs. Clinton will get many things done and do them well. On the downside, she may be overly controlling and difficult to work with as others may not live up to her high standards for performance.
  • High on Dutifulness. Mrs. Clinton does not like to go against the grain or appear to be particularly rebellious. Indeed, she seems to care much more about pleasing others and is willing to compromise (or change) her opinion on matters to get others to like (e.g., stance on gay marriage). On the plus side, she will be willing to listen to others and take their advice.


我的評論:成功須苦幹。 Mrs. Clinton is highly motivated—even obsessive—about her own success. She is calm and controlled in her outward behavior, though internally she takes criticism to heart. She is not particularly socially skilled


Secret 1: Understand Yourself
When you think about what’s at the heart of resiliency, it’s self-awareness.
Secret 2: Control Your Immediate Response and Make a Plan
What’s your immediate reaction to adversity? Do you avoid bad news or prepare for battle? Knowing your fall-back tendency
Secret 3: Embrace Change
Even though change is the only thing constant in life, change is still difficult for most people. Resiliency is about overcoming change that is truly disruptive and more difficult than normal change.
Secret 4: Be Courageous
Hillary understands what promotes resiliency and also what repels it. She knows that fear is the greatest obstacle to resiliency in leadership because it causes leaders to retreat from possibilities rather than moving forward toward creative action. Fear causes immobility and makes leaders ignore their options.
It’s easy to get discouraged as a leader since things won’t always go your way. No one knows this lesson more than Hillary, whose sheer determination to reach her goals has led to her status as the Democratic presidential nominee

Secret 5: Never Give Up!


我的評論:希望這些方程式可以幫助 本港的 女性 參政者。

. 我的政見:http://news.discuss.com.hk/viewthread.php?tid=26716070&pid=462773354&page=1&extra=#pid462773354
現在你可以 暢所欲言了。

This link is the first attack on her:

原帖由 pptinapp:   只要你不再自稱同希拉利同級,...我必定口誅筆伐,決不容情,..!
歡迎你 進來“口誅筆伐”

原帖由 良心之光 於 2017-6-15 01:12 PM 發表

歡迎你 進來“口誅筆伐”

[ pptinapp

本帖子是關於 希拉蕊的。你有沒有能力評論她?

原帖由 良心之光 於 2017-6-15 03:08 PM 發表
[ pptinapp

本帖子是關於 希拉蕊的。你有沒有能力評論她?
3.史上名人何止百萬?  討論有何好處??
4. 我的意見你不會同意, 你的見解我不會接受! 白做???
5.  何不善用你的時間和精力.......如能善用,必能對人類或多或少有貢獻.

若夫小人之儒,惟務雕蟲,專工翰墨,青春作賦, 皓首窮經; 筆下雖有千言,胸中實無一策。

原帖由 pptinapp :.史上名人何止百萬?  討論希拉蕊有何好處??...


原帖由 良心之光 於 2017-6-14 10:06 AM 發表
現在你可以 暢所欲言了。

樓主嘅然講過自己比她高級, 可有link分析良心之光性向, (dark side, bright side, TJTA assessment?)方便比較

真善美, 人人平等聲明就多於足夠了.

[ daimonster  多謝樓主誠意。樓主嘅然講過自己比她高級, 可有link分析良心之光性向,. [/quote]

2.不用謝謝。先研究好 希拉蕊。如果研究完了 你覺得有需要,到時候看看情況再決定下一步。

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