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其實美國President election唔只兩黨 president candidate
仲有自由黨, 同green party等第三黨既代表


Third Party Candidates
Republican Candidates
Democratic Candidates
Libertarian Candidates
Independent Candidates
Green Party Candidates
Constitution Party Candidates


可惜係winners take all system下,
一張electoral vote都得唔到..

Even in the 1992 presidential election, when Reform Party candidate Ross Perot won an incredible 18.9% of the votes, the party did not receive even a single seat in Congress for their effort. Similarly, despite regular losses at state and federal level, Libertarian and Green parties’ candidates regularly win a significant share of the votes but cannot be awarded with any representation at state legislatures and Congress. Compare that to the third highest performing party in the 2013 Bundestag election in Germany, Die Linke (The Left). The party earned 64 of the 631 seats in the Bundestag after winning just eight percent of the votes.

As long as the country practices a first-past-the-post voting system, third parties will never gain sufficient strength to enable its candidates to win the presidency. Polling exclusions, presidential debate participation and ballot access legislations also create additional barriers to third-party candidacies. This is the harsh truth. However, third party candidates have played the spoiler role successfully before.

• In 1848, former president Martin van Buren failed to win the Democratic nomination. With the support of the abolitionist elements from the Democratic Party, van Buren established the Free Soil Party and ran as a third-party candidate. He only secured 10% of the votes, but it siphoned enough votes away from Democratic candidate Lewis Cass to enable Whig candidate Zachary Taylor to win the presidency.

• In 1856, another spurned former Democratic president Millard Fillmore ran under The Know-Nothing Party banner and won 21.5% of the votes - and eight states. He took away sufficient votes from John C. Frémont of the Republican Party, who was also running on the abolitionist platform.

• In 1860, two third-party candidates, John Bell and John C. Breckinridge, won 30.7% of the votes to ensure the victory of Abraham Lincoln (who only managed to win 39.65% of the votes, the second lowest in history).

• In 1912, former president Teddy Roosevelt’s third-party run under the Progressive Party ticket outperformed that of the incumbent Republican president, William Taft, consigning the latter to a humiliating third-place finish.

• In 1924, the Progressive Party again played the spoiler role, but this time, its candidate Robert M. La Follette took advantage of the split in the Democratic Party to win 16.6% of the votes and gifted the election to Republican Calvin Coolidge.

• In 1968, American Independent Party candidate George Wallace, a former Democratic governor of Alabama, won 13.5% of the votes and the electoral votes of five states (46). It ultimately proved insufficient to derail Republican Richard Nixon’s eventual victory. However, Wallace’s candidacy is significant because he is the last third-party candidate to carry a state in a presidential election.

• In 1992, Ross Perot’s candidacy under the Reform Party very nearly upset the formbooks. By the middle of the year, Perot was actually leading the race in a few polls. However, he withdrew from the race in July allegedly due to homophobic threats made against his daughter. He reentered the race in October, and still managed to secure almost nineteen percent of the votes, mostly from the southern, Deep South and Bible belt states.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li ... ed_States_elections

2016 Green Party Presidential Nominee
Physician, Reformer, Environmental Activist
Jill Stein
Dr. Jill Stein, a Harvard-trained physician, has emerged as the favorite protest candidate of the progressive grassroots. Her stances on single-payer health care, campaign finance reforms and student loan debt forgiveness, and her refusal to accept money from corporate donors have resonated with millennials. Dr. Stein’s current polling numbers suggest that she is well on track to match – and even surpass – Ralph Nader’s performance in 2000 presidential election.

2016 Libertarian Presidential Nominee
Former Governor of New Mexico

The Ross Perot presidential campaign of 1992 began when Texas industrialist Ross Perot opened the possibility of running for President of the United States in the election of 1992 as an independent candidate on the February 20, 1992 edition of Larry King Live. Though he had never served as a public official, Perot had experience as the head of several successful corporations and had been involved in public affairs for the previous three decades. Spawned by the American dissatisfaction with the political system, grassroots organizations sprang up in every state to help Perot achieve ballot access following his announcement. James Stockdale, a retired United States Navy vice admiral, was Perot's vice presidential running mate.

Gary Johnson
Governor Veto, as Gary Johnson was not-so-fondly known during his two terms as governor of New Mexico, has an enviable track record of success both in the private and public sector, an accomplishment that very few politicians can boast off. The fiscally conservative and socially liberal former construction company owner is seeking to build on his record breaking performance in 2012 by elevating the Libertarian Party to major party status in this election cycle.




呢2條友玩成咁 唔排除玩到PLAN B 收曬佢地皮 換其他人上嫁


原帖由 焦急的等待 於 2016-11-2 02:49 PM 發表


【白宮之路第四站】「這些機會不是我的」 為何第三黨總是跑龍套

「如果要麼投票給癌症,要麼投給心臟病,那為什麼我還要投票?」美國知名億萬富翁、科氏工業創辦人科赫(Charles Koch)對兩位候選人的批評毫不客氣,更將希拉里及特朗普比喻為兩種致命疾病。美國總統大選臨近,不少選民無奈表示要在「騙子」希拉里與「瘋子」特朗普之間二擇其一。


約翰遜?施泰因?或許不少人──特別在美國以外──都會好奇,逐鹿總統寶座的,不是只有民主黨希拉里和共和黨特朗普嗎?答案當然「不是」。其實美國總統候選人多的是,不過大都寂寂無名。自由黨的約翰遜(Gary Johnson)和綠黨的施泰因(Jill Stein)已算比較為人認識,各有個位數的百分點支持度。





 電視辯論 兩黨「玩晒」

美國總統大選電視辯論,最早出現於1960年。當年的共和黨總統候選人尼克遜和民主黨的甘迺迪,首次在大氣電波,當着全國電視觀眾面前辯論政綱。其後電視辯論終止了16年,直到1976年才復辦。從那年起,每屆總統大選前,例必舉行全國電視辯論,讓候選人闡述理念、展現個人魅力和應變能力。不過這個舞台只限民主、共和兩黨總統候選人參加,多年來唯一上過主流電視台、與傳統兩黨候選人同台較量的,只有1992年的獨立候選人佩羅(Ross Perot)。




 選舉惡法 打壓第三方 


美國埃默里大學(Emory University)法律教授Michael Kang在《輸不起法與民主競爭》(Sore Loser Laws and Democratic Contestation)中,詳細分析各州的選票列名法(ballot access laws),如何限制和打壓民主、共和兩黨以外的候選人,以致美國政壇長期由兩黨把持。其中一個例子是,獨立候選人必須在每一個州收集特定數目的市民聯署,其名字才會在選票上出現。當中以加州的選票列名法最嚴苛,獨立候選人必須收集近18萬個聯署,才有機會「被選」。有傳媒估計,每位獨立候選人要在全國收集多達880,000個簽名,才能保證會出現在50個州的選票上。對於欠動員力的無黨派人士來說,這無疑是個極高的門檻。

另外,南達科他、俄勒岡和得薩斯等州,都實施所謂「輸不起法」(Sore loser laws),顧名思義,就是禁止任何人在黨內初選落敗後,脫離所屬政黨,以獨立人士身分參選。Michael Kang在論文中指出,「輸不起法」的原意就是杜絕黨內温和派候選人,拉攏中間選民支持,脫黨參選,然後「鎅」走該黨候選人的選票。有了「輸不起法」,傳統大黨便能遏制第三方勢力崛起,使兩黨政治得以進一步鞏固。

 前車可鑑 一旦鎅票將無限鞭撻


話說2000年總統大選,民主黨戈爾決戰共和黨小布殊。在關鍵戰場佛羅里達州,綠黨的納德(Ralph Nader)被指吸票「太多」,令原本勢均力敵的戈爾,以僅僅537張票不敵布殊,將總統寶座拱手相讓。




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原帖由 FtoGcup 於 2016-11-8 09:37 PM 發表


不過美國係兩黨大哂, 中國就一黨專政

如果今屆桑德斯以獨立身份出選, 應該可以輕取總統寶座.

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