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原帖由 x747x 於 2016-10-17 02:15 AM 發表





佢地講到聲 ...

原帖由 x747x 於 2016-10-17 02:24 AM 發表


以前大家都只看到民主好的一面. 近年開始愈來愈多人睇到民主壞的一面, 但仍有不少人仍然繼續盲目相信民主只有好的一面, 甚至繼續將所有香港的社會問題歸咎於因為香港未夠民主.

原帖由 阿聞 於 18/10/2016 11:31 發表

以前大家都只看到民主好的一面. 近年開始愈來愈多人睇到民主壞的一面, 但仍有不少人仍然繼續盲目相信民主只有好的一面, 甚至繼續將所有香港的社會問題歸咎於因為香港未夠民主.


[ 本帖最後由 x747x 於 2016-10-18 11:48 AM http://i.discuss.com.hk/d/images/r10/androidD.jpg 編輯 ]

其實內地村一級是民主投票村長的. 舞弊買票往往非常嚴重,說內地完全不想試民主是不確的,中共只是不想見多黨制,而一般市民對民主的觀感因為港台和鄉村經驗並不良好

原帖由 Iamshameless 於 2016-11-4 07:08 AM 發表
其實內地村一級是民主投票村長的. 舞弊買票往往非常嚴重,說內地完全不想試民主是不確的,中共只是不想見多黨制,而一般市民對民主的觀感因為港台和鄉村經驗並不良好
台灣暴力民主, 民進黨上台已經想滅國民黨.

1)為什麼中共1978後要行改革開放? 誰令鄧小平要行改革開放?
2)共產式行政主導,領導們規定人民有什麼可做,有什麼不可以做,他們輕易利用條例取巧弄權收規, 也因權力從上而下,地方法官也易收買,人民變成個個順民,或往往是利益犧性者, 不能向上監督領導, 貪官打極不絕, 怎樣解決?
3)行政主導下有貪機,常做成不公,有例不依,商人可走後門, 人民生活在危機中, 有毒染料衣, 有毒食物, 有易燃大樓和藏危險品於民居, 有不合格交通工具. 案件不絕,怎樣解決或減少?
4)共產主義這麼完美, 全球有198國家, 為什麼行共產的還是很少數?

[ 本帖最後由 布佬 於 2016-11-8 07:35 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 布佬 於 2016-11-8 07:32 PM 發表
1)為什麼中共1978後要行改革開放? 誰令鄧小平要行改革開放? 你重點係咩?
2)共產式行政主導, 中共唔行共產, 中共亦唔係行政主導 領導們規定人民有什麼可做,有什麼不可以做 全世界都一樣, 這叫法律 ,他們輕易利用條例取巧弄權收規 發展就要收地, 長痛不如短痛。唔鍾意政府收地? 你去印尼住下? 未去過? 未去過就收皮。, 也因權力從上而下,地方法官也易收買,人民變成個個順民,或往往是利益犧性者 犧性者往往係無料之人。和平時期、有料, 無論咩人執政都可以生存, 少將自己既失敗賴到政府頭上, 不能向上監督領導, 貪官打極不絕, 怎樣解決? 你無聽過中紀委? 邊個同你講「貪官打極不絕」? 大紀元?
3)行政主導 中共唔係行政主導, 小朋友先讀好書再獻醜 下有貪機,常做成不公,有例不依,商人可走後門, 人民生活在危機中, 有毒染料衣, 有毒食物, 有易燃大樓和藏危險品於民居, 有不合格交通工具. 案件不絕,怎樣解決或減少? 中國犯罪率絕對唔高於大部份發展中/已發展國家, 這是源於中國國民懂得不斷自省同華夏民族的文化素質。到各國拉一下罪案率真係咁難? 連wiki 都幫你做埋功課https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Li ... ceration_rate#China, 網上大把資料http://www.nationmaster.com/coun ... -per-million-people, 你地反中可唔可以反得勤力少少? 定真係蠢到唔識字, 只識打飛機?
4)共產主義這麼完美, 全球有198國家, 為什麼行共產的還是很少數? 誰說共產完美? 另外中共唔行共產好耐。用下個腦, 唔好做標題黨。
5)為什麼蘇維埃聯邦也棄共產? 蘇聯係冷戰戰略失敗, 最大盟友中國倒戈, 再由親美人上台推翻整套經濟系統。香港學校有一門課叫世界歷史, 你需要讀一讀
6)中共怎樣吸引香港青年信服這是好東西而不抗拒? 「這」是什麼? 你這些香港青年不信就自生自滅。要信就自己拿回鄉卡到國內發發展 - 連香港法律都容許你持雙護照, 無料移民唔好怨人。

原帖由 Doraemonlam 於 2016-11-9 01:02 AM 發表
P/1 The party was forced to adopt Open-door Policy, or it would be going to be collapsed due to poverty countrywide, the old system really could not help in improvement/ development of the country economy while others were leading

P/2 Leading by the party rather than its national "law", the law is just serving for the party even all of its judges

P/3 The crime rate is considerable high in the country, although the rate of incarceration was about 118/100,000, and the rate of murder was about 10cases/million population (HK was just about 2.4), there were many cases not reported in record. High degree(about 40 cases or = 1/3 of the rate) of "soft crime" including politic prisoners were not counted to the incarceration rate by proceed of pre-detention for re-education instead.   

P/4 No ruling system is perfect in the world, but this China ruling system gets so many inferiors that must be improved as ruling by the law rather by the party. Since the cases of bribes and corruption in law courts and everywhere of the country are numerous, this would be very difficult to eliminate by the Central Disciplinary Authority without monitoring by the general public, who should get this right

P/5 The economy of Soviet Union was going to collapse in early 1990, I believe it was forced to change its old ruling system to free economy as well as western countries they were doing.

P/6 HK is my birthplace and a safe place, it gets super low crime rate, & being ranked no.1 of free economy in the the world, I am typical middle class own my biz, houses and cars, and ease of living without any pressure of spending. HK is a good place that I love, emigration no way!

[ 本帖最後由 布佬 於 2016-11-9 07:27 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 布佬 於 2016-11-9 07:25 PM 發表

P/1 The party was forced to adopt Open-door Policy, or it would be going to be collapsed due to poverty countrywide, the old system really could not help in improvement/ development of the country economy while others were leading  "Open-door policy" did not change the leadership of CCP.  What are trying to say? CCP is a good party to lead China?

P/2 Leading by the party rather than its national "law", the law is just serving for the party even all of its judges.  China is successful under the current system.  From the ill treatment of KMT which made China an negligible country in the world to the second super power.  Can you find another country adopting rule of law doing the same in 1 single generation without using war as a mean?

P/3 The crime rate is considerable high in the country, although the rate of incarceration was about 118/100,000, and the rate of murder was about 10cases/million population (HK was just about 2.4), there were many cases not reported in record. High degree(about 40 cases or = 1/3 of the rate) of "soft crime" including politic prisoners were not counted to the incarceration rate by proceed of pre-detention for re-education instead.   Source? and after counting these "soft crime" in all countries in the world, where is China standing? When you talk about "high", you must meant China is "higher" than something, right? give me ranking, give me data from other localities/countries.

P/4 No ruling system is perfect in the world, but this China ruling system gets so many inferiors that must be improved as ruling by the law rather by the party . Since the cases of bribes and corruption in law courts and everywhere of the country are numerous, this would be very difficult source? to eliminate has the corruption rate increased or decreased over the years? by the Central Disciplinary Authority without monitoring by the general public, who should get this right Without source.  these are just in your head and all BS

P/5 The economy of Soviet Union was going to collapse in early 1990 It was because US and UAE came together and collaborated on the oil price - making Soviet Union lost its major source of income.  You talk about free market eh? now why are you not condemning the governments who broke the law of free market, not abiding by your rule of law and win the cold war? PERFECT DOUBLE STANDARD. , I believe it was forced to change its old ruling system to free economy as well as western countries they were doing.  You believe? US freaking sent economists to Russia, took over the policy making and made a mess.  Read the history and learn what actually happened, not what you believed had happen.

P/6 HK is my birthplace and a safe place, it gets super low crime rate, & being ranked no.1 of free economy in the the world, I am typical middle class own my biz, houses and cars, and ease of living without any pressure of spending. HK is a good place that I love, emigration no way! Then your main concern is not CCP - rather, the newer generation who wants a cut of your hard-earn life.  Think about it, who is asking for more government benefits? CCP? NO, CCP gave businesses to HK businessmen.  And who is paying taxes to support the benefit? The newer generation? NO, it is you.  Do the newer generation care about that vote? no, they want government support for a place to fuck.  
[ 本帖最後由 Doraemonlam 於 2016-11-9 11:14 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 Doraemonlam 於 2016-11-9 11:05 PM 發表

P/1 Without formidable & astute leaders emerged in CCP in the late 70's, I think China economy today still remains its level likely similar to N. Korea. This ruling system today is much depended on if great leaders would exist in CCP or not by luck. A sound political system/framework shouldn't rely on leaders themselves, but these posts whenever if some mediocrities sat in, who were going to perform something misconducts(bribes/corruptions) or even some likely wrong policies that are no problem at all, while China people or general public if they have got freedom of speech, human rights and political rights to perform challenges to these leaders.
Unfortunately the "open door policy" has not been applied on the political part so far, probably resulted in the tragedy happened in 1989 and also endless corrupted cases that can't be eliminated till today. Lack of manpower of the Central Disciplinary Authority can only crack down prominently some single corruption cases in low efficiency. General public could act as the watchdog for corruption if got 1. freedom of speech, 2. human rights, 3. political rights  I/o CDA. Corruption is a mother of all crimes.
Source: Please refer to the relationship of democracy rank and corruption rank by country in world here.  http://www.worldaudit.org/democracy.htm

P/2, P/3 & P/4, I stress again, today China success only is likely at the economy part (really not at political part and governance) as it is becoming 2nd largest nation that has been benefited by the Deng’s policy and the peace time starting from1979 after 30years chaotic political movement prolonged. Empirically, it is not appropriate to compare China environment today  with the era of KMT in 1911~1928. It was the wartime for power unifications,by the north expedition to defeat warlords of Qing dynasty and it also attempted to defeat the emerging power of CCP at that moment, however Nanking sovereignty by KMT was set up in 1928 and it was ready to perform country development for livelihood of people nationwide. Unfortunately the attacks of Japanese started in 1931 and then with full wing attacks to China from 1937 to 1945—the Sino-Japanese war, and subsequently the civil war happened during 1946~1949. The prolonged 38 years, I don’t think there any economic development activities could be performed by the sovereignty.
Due to the close political system of CCP today inhabiting many ruling problems , its global ranking on corruption and justice,please see this index  https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/datablog/2015/jun/02/global-ranking-corruption-world-justice-project-aims-promote-good-governance.
China is being ranked at the last quartile of the Chart among 100 nations.
I am proud of HK's performance

[ 本帖最後由 布佬 於 2016-11-10 02:10 PM 編輯 ]

Democracy 令人民從下而上可監督領袖和政府quality ofgovernance像南韓朴槿惠總統也被監督和尼克遜73/74被彈劾下台, 而High quality governance與Justice 公義,相關, 公義一定會減小bribes/corruptions. Bribes/Corruptions 是所有其他罪案之源頭

Basic Elements of Democracy include:
Free of Speech
Free to Press
Human Rights
Political Rights

[ 本帖最後由 布佬 於 2016-11-11 10:52 AM 編輯 ]

原帖由 布佬 於 2016-11-8 07:32 PM 發表
1)為什麼中共1978後要行改革開放? 誰令鄧小平要行改革開放?
2)共產式行政主導,領導們規定人民有什麼可做,有什麼不可以做,他們輕易利用條例取巧弄權收規, 也因權力從上而下,地方法官也易收買,人民變成個 ...
上面Doraemonlam CHING已經反駁左你大部份論點, 我就唔重覆啦. 不過都補充少少:

- 中共除左個名仲有個 "共" 字外, 神早已經唔係行緊共產主義啦! 你同好多反共的人一樣, 一味只會拎住共產主義的問題來反中共, 但連中共唔係行緊共產主義都唔知!

- 中共而家的社會主義, 有長處有缺點. 但所謂民主國家的民主制度都係一樣, 有唔同的長處同缺點. 唔好諗野咁天真, 以為唔行民主制就一定會死, 行民主制就一定掂.

- 建議你睇下呢條片, 應該好多人都睇過. 睇完後好好諗下自己係唔係仲要咁迷信民主.

[ 本帖最後由 阿聞 於 2016-11-11 07:19 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 阿聞 於 2016-11-11 06:36 PM 發表

上面Doraemonlam CHING已經反駁左你大部份論點, 我就唔重覆啦. 不過都補充少少:

- 中共除左個名仲有個 "共" 字外, 神早已經唔係行緊共產主義啦! 你同好多反共的人一樣, 一味只會拎住共產主義的問題來反中共,  ...

原帖由 布佬 於 2016-11-10 12:58 PM 發表

P/1 Without formidable & astute leaders emerged in CCP in the late 70's, I think China economy today still remains its level likely similar to N. Korea. This ruling system today is much depended on  ...
3 fatal mistakes you have made:
1) bad source for analysis because you did not base your decision making on objective study - but rather, subjective ranking
2) you have yet to understand the relationship between government and economy
3) you are bias against CCP over KMT and therefore it clouds your judgement in looking at history

The ranking website you provided based its study on 1) CPI, stands for Corruption PERCEPTION Index, and 2) Press Freedom Score - a subjective ranking system made by a US government-funded research center based in NY.  US has been making so many country to adopt this so called humane system in countries over countries after all these years - yet you still believe this system work? and using it as a source to support your claim? that is beyond saving.  Your whole "higher democracy = less corruption" is unjustifiable simply because you are using a bias study put together by governments promoting democracy.  And they did not promote that for the well being in other countries - they promote that for the exact opposite reason.  Do your research.  

You mentioned China has economical success.  This is our common ground - what you need to learn is that there is one and only one grading system for a successful government - economy.  All the ultimate goal for government, politics, military, law and etc. are to serve solely but 1 goal - well-being of the citizens, also known as ECONOMY.  If a government cannot manage to maintain a good economy, it is a bad government.  If the politicians fail to enact sound policies for a better economy, they are bad politicians.  If the military forces fail to provide protection against invaders taking away the resources in a country, this force is useless.  If the laws fail to maintain stability in the economy, the laws are fraud.  You tried to separate economy, the goal, from these means to the goal.  This indicates you do not understand how a society works.  

Lastly, China had been in a chaos for almost a hundred years - there were civil wars, invaders, uneven treatment that the laws could not solve.  CCP stopped all of them.  Qing Dynasty couldn't do that, KMT couldn't do that, all the Warlords during that time couldn't do that.  CCP is the only government that brought economical stability back to China.  

You failed to answer my questions in my previous reply and went about advertising subjective studies promoting the so-called "democracy", like:

1) counting these "soft crime" in all countries in the world  [*I did say COUNT, don't give me subjective ranking made by the western world and THINK you address the question.  And we all know western corruption is no better than the east.  You made a point now PROVE it, man up and COUNT]
2) Can you find another country adopting rule of law doing the same in 1 single generation without using war as a mean? [i wasn't referring to China's economy here, I said "world second super power" in the previous sentence.  This includes technology, culture, literacy, value, international awareness, foreign relations, etc.]
3) has the corruption rate increased or decreased over the years?
4) You talk about free market eh? now why are you not condemning the governments who broke the law of free market, not abiding by your rule of law and win the cold war?

You have yet to learn to properly debate - attack the opponent's argument instead of avoiding it all together.

[ 本帖最後由 Doraemonlam 於 2016-11-12 04:04 AM 編輯 ]

原帖由 布佬 於 2016-11-11 10:47 AM 發表
Democracy 令人民從下而上可監督領袖和政府quality ofgovernance像南韓朴槿惠總統也被監督和尼克遜73/74被彈劾下台, 而High quality governance與Justice 公義,相關, 公義一定會減小bribes/corruptions. Bribes/Corr ...
南韓不由朴槿惠話事 - 南韓由3星集團控制內政, 美國控制外交國防。
美國也不由總統話事, 美國主事者是華爾街, 跟中共和中國的關係沒什麼兩樣 - 分別是中國由底層開始辦選舉做實事, 美國由頂層開始選做小丑。

你可以先把國外的事做一下研究才來推銷你的民主公義嗎? 喊口號是沒什麼問題, 除了人家對你的印象外你什麼都影響不了。但你就不要來玩理性討論了, 你輸硬。

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