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原帖由 kingking99 於 2015-5-23 10:15 AM 發表 日本用這招以本傷人,肯定會削減亞投行的影響力,但日本這招七傷拳已經要日本出到九牛二虎之力,對中國而言,只不過是阻慢步伐,魚利的就是美國,可以阻礙中國對其他小國發揮影響力,又可以進一步削減那隻可能咬主人 ...
呢1000億善霸應該都有份出 ..


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原帖由 ScaniaFung 於 2015-5-22 21:45 發表

根本2個機構性貨都唔同. 亞投行由五十幾國(暫時)組成, 好似一個俱樂部咁,大家有錢出錢,有力出力搞好一帶一路區內的基建. 有錢齊齊搵.日本個個係政府同日本商界組成的融資機構. 在區內的協調力差十萬八千里.

原帖由 ScaniaFung 於 2015-5-22 09:46 PM 發表



另一個目的,係搞大西部內陸地區,將過剩產能投出國外。 戰略目的,又可以連接西部陸路接連中亞,東西歐。 把歐陸市場都接駁至天朝。

我也正苦惱於那千億亞投行,對落後世界的中亞國家如同九牛一毛。 現在日本說要把一千億跟亞投行去競爭。

原帖由 highbury64 於 2015-5-20 06:47 PM 發表



請參閱Jake Van der Kamp於2015年5月24日在南華早報的評論。留意最後兩段,他認為日本提供的援助對受援國來說是有毒的酒杯。


Japan offers infrastructure aid while its own house is in complete shambles

Vying to keep pace with China's rising influence and economic clout, Japan plans to provide US$110 billion to help develop roads, ports and other infrastructure in Asia in the next five years, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said yesterday.
SCMP, May 22

They certainly have the know-how. Over the last 25 years, the Japanese have made themselves world leaders in an experiment with infrastructure investment. Unfortunately, they only proved that they should not have done it.
We start with the evidence of the first chart. The big idea in 1990, when the stock market collapsed and the economy faltered, was that the Japanese government would spend its way back into growth. This is what a fellow named John Maynard Keynes said you had to do, you see.

They thus adopted a huge infrastructure programme, digging long tunnels to nowhere and slathering vast mounds of concrete all over the landscape, so that public investment spending soon amounted to almost 9 per cent of gross domestic product. That is the blue line in the first chart.
For comparison with another has-been, look at the red line representing Britain, where public investment has run at 2 to 3 per cent of GDP over the last 25 years. Yes, some roads in Britain are pretty bad, but Japan still clearly overdid it.

And now for the really big numbers. They financed almost all of it with bond issues and, as a result, Japanese government debt has now risen to more than a quadrillion yen. I shall write this out - 1,000,000,000,000,000 yen.
As the blue line in the second chart shows, this is the equivalent of about 220 per cent of GDP. In 1990, the figure was less than 50 per cent. The red line gives you the contrasting figure for federal debt to GDP in the United States. Yes, they have started to go mad in the US, too, but they are nowhere near Japanese standards of it yet.

And what has all this done for Japan?

Here is the key statistic. Last year, the Japanese economy was smaller than it was 20 years earlier.

I present some of the words you are looking for to describe the Japanese record in infrastructure investment - wipeout, utter failure, scandal, fiasco, debacle, complete shambles.
And the sad thing about Mr Abe's new US$110 billion Asian infrastructure scheme is that he is not even doing it to boost Asian economic growth, let alone provide people with roads and bridges they may need.
No, the reason Mr Abe is doing it is that President Xi Jinping has stolen a march on him by setting up an Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank to rival Japan's tired old Asian Development Bank and Mr Abe apparently still thinks Japan should retain the title of Patron of Asia.

I have a word of advice for the intended recipients of this largesse. It's a poisoned chalice, folks. They are doing it for all the wrong reasons and they will mess it up for sure. That's what they do.

And when they have done it, they will still ask for their money back. You can only lose.

[ 本帖最後由 Murazaki 於 2015-5-25 01:04 PM 編輯 ]

原帖由 omgking 於 2015-5-25 12:42 PM 發表 哈哈睇到我都笑死了,亞投由50多國組成,區區日本果一千億????想同中國鬥哈哈哈

原帖由 風之小子 於 2015-5-23 12:12 AM 發表
我可以借錢比你起基建, 但部分公司或技術必須採用中國的,
仲有起好之後係邊D公司的管理, 維修, 保養呢?
最重要係呢D發展 ...

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