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航電感知同人機工程係 9.12 死症...

不論 SEP 同盤旋幾強都好,德國統一後 9.12 同 F-16 對抗演習,HMS 及火控操作缺失都影響攻擊先機

自 9.17 起大幅改良航電、火控,並增加燃油量至達到同等作戰效能


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米格25 照打  第一次使用AIM120

Main articles: Northern Watch, Southern Watch and Operation Desert Fox

From the end of Desert Storm until the invasion of Iraq in 2003, USAF F-16s patrolled the US/UK imposed no-fly zones in Iraq. Two air-to-air victories were scored by USAF F-16s in Operation Southern Watch.[16] On 27 December 1992, a USAF F-16D shot down an Iraqi MiG-25 in the airspace over southern Iraq with an AIM-120 AMRAAM; this was the first USAF F-16 kill since the F-16 was introduced; and was also the first AMRAAM kill.[17] On 17 January 1993, a USAF F-16C destroyed an Iraqi MiG-23 with an AMRAAM missile for the second USAF F-16 victory.[18]


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